What is the way foreword? Why Armageddon must come!
The sad truth is that we, mankind, are stopping progress, we are in part why Armageddon must come.
For thousands of years there has been religious and political differences holding mankind back from accomplishing anything like a "Paradise" on earth. Instead, we know what the reality is, it is all around us. You do not need me to spell it out to you.
Even religion has been thoroughly guilty in their lack of understanding and, even faith, by their actions. Killing in the name of their god's and utterly misrepresenting the Person He is.
For thousands of years and for billions of people, God has been painted as one who gives you nothing while alive. And, if you do not have the devotion, 'they' expect, or pay the religious leaders what they want, you are just "a sinner". You will then suffer at the hands of their god being burned for all time???? are you serious.
If that's not enough, we, ourselves, condemn even ourselves, if the many mistakes you made in life were weighty enough, even those who pay up with money or prayers etc, you may still be in line for a fiery tormenting, eternally! You just never know.
Really a life of confusion, uncertainty and no real guidance to navigate such things.
And if you, even though doing your best, are not of their brand of faith, you likewise will be tormented for eternity. As if their judgement is final?
These later Apostates, in our time, The so called, "Governing Body" of Jehovah's Witnesses have gone the other way.
If you are not a baptised and a dedicated J.W.s and actively serving in the field ministry and complying with the vast array of expectation and demonstrating your faith, 'in them', as "The Channel and giver of all things good". Then you will not suffer in 'Hell', no, you will die at Armageddon and will have the future, you will simply ceasing to exist at all.
They do acknowledge their will be a resurrection (raising from the dead) of the "unrighteous" as foretold. But who these are, is a bit subjective. But according to their reckoning, "If we are substandard and not 'of their sort', we are then, all not fit for life, Now nor in the coming system of things. Even worse than this 'Yardstick', now they themselves have painted God as Evil and those this side of Death, even if faithful, are ALL manipulated so that He "God" will get his own way. Seriously???? How are their credentials any better than the actions of Christian religion that they themselves judge and condemn, now that these 'New ones took over'.
Either way, apostates seem to always go the same way, They are right, therefore all others are wrong. And they all paint God as cruel, in some way, while declaring him God Almighty. Seriously????
Obviously there can only be one explanation for this. These men have been manipulated and set the course for all under their guidance. Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit, will they not?
Satan is ultimately the only one who gains any benefit from this. At the cost of a "wide opening of the eyes" and a clear identifying of the one searching, just for a little relief during their moment of life, while searching for a little hope and the 'Truth' about God, "Who Is Love", and self, his progeny.
Remember, he (Satan) doesn't need us to worship him, he just needs our worship to be unclean, unacceptable and thus keeping us from Holy Spirit. God is Holy, "Nothing unclean can approach him", so, while, He (Satan), can't win, still, we loose out.
All religions have fed this lie of a 'heavy' line of demarcation to their congregation, you are with us or against us. Amish or Hindoo, Buddhist or Catholic, Baptist or Jew. Islam or other.
No wonder many think of religion and shudder. Whether they realise it, individuals, by associating with these, automatically are judging their neighbour as either good or bad. Of being 'Worthy' of God's love, and theirs, or not! How ridiculous is that??? Jesus said; "Stop Judging", "love your neighbour".
They, the New Apostates (Governing body of J.W.s) like the old apostates, all have the same mental attitude, us and them.
We are on the road to life and blessings from God. But, says the Jew; 'but our neighbours are dogs', not deserving life but everlasting destruction. Hypocrites, Satan is still having his way and we buy into it.
Faith against Faith, Child against Child. For how can our children learn otherwise without sound, reasonable examples. Some like the 'Born Again' faiths, draw even a heavy line among their own parishioners, "if you do not pay us 10% of everything, before tax, you can not sit with us and can go to Hell". Meanwhile these ones, and ones like them, often do not work a day in their lives but those who do must support them, even if it means the children go without. How is dredging up an obsolete law 'given to Israel' FOR A PURPOSE a loving thing and possibly approved of by Jesus or God. Greedy hypocrites.
No I am not judging a man, I am Judging the whole system that has failed it's purpose. To lead us to God and give us clarity and hope, direction and purpose in this wicked system under Satan's control.
They know the example Jesus set, he did not condemn his friend for pouring the oil on his head, did he? It was only greedy Judas who chimed in. It is their money to use as they see fit or if they wish, however in service they feel the desire to. Not under compulsion to suit lazy individuals.
If they don't get their money, 'Sorry', 'Your money', they send in debt collectors with envelopes to be filled.
If such a place as Hell were to exist, Though it DOES NOT, who would be going their, the little sheep who desire to know God, or the Rams who feed themselves??? The victim or the robber?
Truly Satan has had many victories for many centuries. But not over our hearts or those who know the truth, He is just a liar and a bully.
"They stand in their relative positions by God. "Romans 13:1
In the same way that religions have drawn a line on peoples psyches, men have drawn lines on maps.
Saying; "We only love the ones within this line, if you are outside it and hungry, needing medical attention or aid, Too Bad for you, for you could live just up the road from a hospital but you are not welcome??? These we love, but we hate the rest!
And "god bless America" is a common declaration. What, do not others live on this planet???
All, from Asia to Europe, from America to Africa From The North Pole to the South. Lines have been drawn on land and on the Sea's.
We all came from one mother, did we no? Science; by genetics, has even proved it.
We all then have one Creator, do we not? So then, how absurd is it, that in this time of great advancement, we still see our neighbours as foreigners, as enemies. Yes, some seem determined to be such, but, really, for how long. 20 more years, 50, 1000. By then it won't matter, our planet will die and their will be no enemies left. "PHEEWW, that's a relief". "Putin's war was worth it", they will say. 'And North Korea and America were right to prolong the antagonisms'.
Still, "I am Holy or right, and must protect my own, at ANY cost", is all I hear, Religious or politically. Whereas, all the others, if not a designated ally, 'for today', must be wicked and despised and to be exploited and or hated.
While these lines, these borders in our hearts or on maps exist their is NO Tomorrow! NO Future!
While there are borders within borders and distrust between faiths. With whatever history of pain.
If we can't move forward on our own, what option does God have? There will never be a united world society without intervention, will their???
Sure groups or organisations may try to close the gaps with aid or policy, but how much will that change the lines of demarcation, or heal the planet??? It cannot and will not stop the decline in health, society, faith and worst of all, the death of Earth as we know it.
Yes! The sad reality is we cannot even help ourselves, let alone our dying planet, can we???
You tell me. Why do we need Armageddon?? The evidence is clear, if God doesn't step in, SOON, then not only is the future very grim for our little ones. All this history and opportunity to learn was for nothing.
Obviously Jehovah God knew this, and that is why instructed his son to "preach the kingdom of God". It IS the ONLY way forward. As I have previously explained by scripture, God's Kingdom Government is made up of 144,001. 144,000 representatives, women and men, from Earth who learned the lessons and proved faithful till death. These will help rule as kings and priests.
Then the 1, None other that Jesus Christ, our Lord and saviour, who proved Satan a liar, and gave his soul as a ransom, to buy us back from sin and death, (we belong to him).
He has the legal right to govern and will do so in God's name till all his enemies are under his feet. Paving the way so we can become clean before our God and given instructions for life, and then in time, God will once again be all things to all peoples.
I realise that even that statement will likely cause some to cringe or grind their teeth. The path you, and all, have been on, is leading to tomorrow, weather you take, it is up to you.
I'm not here to convert you or make you do a single thing, your life is your life, your choice is your choice. Hold on to this dying system of things if you want. Or 'grab hold' of a new world of inclusion and shared responsibility, (and accountability) along with hard work, with joy and life, especially for our little ones. Tomorrow belongs to them, it is not ours to steel.
The children MUST come first and everything is going to be alright, is the message.
This is the need for Armageddon, not just the settling once and for all time the VITAL issue of universal sovereignty, for fulfilling Bible prophecy, but so we can erase the borders on the maps, and in time, those in our hearts. Imagine that! Our little ones not knowing the anxieties associated with politics and Religion, with war and Hunger or Discrimination.
I do not really expect religious powers to just step away or the politicians and the elite to step away from their power and money. Do you?
Hopefully some will, Hopefully it will be a smooth transition where you live. Remember, "the Children come first, and everything is going to be ok". Then we can begin repairing hearts and our planet.
Have you seen the vast areas of earth that I'm sure 3000 years ago would have been teaming with life in abundance, now denuded of vegetation, dead? Imagine all the lost species of plants and animals, all lost, gone. It must have been beautiful back then. As mankind took and took, they, and we, did not 'give back', we had children to raise and feed, wars to fight, money to make, no time for repairing the scars we left on the Earth. Better not ever do that again.
Many thousands of square miles are desolate and barren, yuk! God knows I could go on about this and with his "Almighty power", He could fix it. But really, this part is on us, I think. And it is on us! We can fix this! Of course we will need his help by means of his channel but it can be done. there is enough of us. We just need the motivation, a reason, a purpose, a hope, a future.
"He will not be late" the scriptures promise, so we can be confident it won't be long now till he will have no choice but to step in and help us. First I expect he will deal with Satan, the main cause of all things bad.
Cultures need to let go of what once was. Even if history was bad for your peoples. Tomorrow will not be great unless we all let go of yesterday, will it? All people need to be one united family under heaven, one people, one purpose. Don't we?
The little ones of tomorrow need this, stability, literally, phycological and spiritual.
These little one's MUST come first. The only path forward, must, be based on truth and honesty.
Facts and instruction. One big problem that I and you face, I do not know what it is like to be you, and you me! I cannot feel what it is like to exist in your mind, in your body, can I? With your history, your ailments, can I?
The Bible clearly explains that Jesus knows what it is like to be a man and also he knows you, personally. He knows even what you need phycologically. On one occasion, he lovingly healed a man from blindness. He did this 'Privately', Why? This man was going to experience something new, probably overwhelming. Jesus took him somewhere private and--- gradually-- he healed his sight.
He is well aware of each ones feelings, their needs. Isn't it a good thing then that, He, is King of this new Kingdom to help us, individually. He knows what we need, even if we don't.
He has been given authority over all things and the 144,000 under his tutalige will likewise prove to be a blessing. Doctors today know how to treat all sorts of ailments and conditions, phycological, mental, physical, even cure some. How much more so when Jesus takes control of Earths affairs for our benefit and God's glory?
Who do you think it was that God was talking to in the Genesis account when he said; "Let us make man in our image"? Male and female, he knows us, he knows you.
My hope is, from this and other articles it might help in a some way to have our hearts and thinking in line and ready for his return. Our transition then should be much easier, from this dying old system, to a new one. The 'new system of things' where all things are possible. Then when the "Healing" has begun, our hearts might be more inclined to follow instruction for life, and our course might not prove to be disastrous as in the instance of Israel leaving Egypt. Will we learn? Let's see!
May you be blessed and Please give this information some serious consideration. Even put it in you back pocket. Not literally. but see if in time it may be useful.
Yes! Armageddon must and will come, Blessings will follow. He (Jesus)guaranteed it.
Thanks again for your time and attention, Man in expectation :)
The mash-up! "You must love Jehovah your God, with your whole Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and keep His Commandments. If you do, you will be wise enough to bypass any trial with ease, and have an indefinitely lasting name with The Living One. Those who fail to take these things to heart, will suffer shame and fall short in a large way, all that is his, will be destroyed and cease to exist.
You who love Him, however, will flourish with joy, under the tent cloths of Jehovah, always." Ecc 12:13, Mark 12:30 and Ps 37:18-20.