After this section, I have scanned a brochure that is far more informative and probably more reliable than anything I can produce.
It gives a wealth of information surrounding the Divine Name and its importance to us.
Although the So called, "Faithful Slave", The confirmed Apostates, in charge of J.W.s organisation. Pretty much instructed the congregations , world wide, to get rid of this brochure, books and many other scriptural food sources, that are a wealth of informative information and and an undying expressions of faith by the writers.
Why? "They were out of date"! Grubs! "Wolves in sheeps clothing"!
Feel free to skip my work and see for yourself how good it is. thanks Man in Expectation :)
Jehovah, is the recognised personal name used by many to identify; The Father, The creator, the true and only God the Almighty, the God of Israel or Hebrews. the letters for this, the tetragrammaton
are; in Hebrew, YHWH and English JHVH, as no vowels were used in it.
The name he gave himself has deep meaning, explaining this to his servant Moses, In chapter 3 of the book of Exodus verse 6,he said; "I am the God of your Father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." clearly identifying his role in the history of his lineage.
In addition, knowing the plight of his people and that he was preparing to free them from bondage in line with his promise to Abraham, Jehovah gave this assurance as to his name. verse 14, "I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE" Whatever, was, or would be required, he "Shall prove to be" the solution.
Then in 15 "This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, "'JEHOVAH the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you.' This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the MEMORIAL of me to generation after generation."
The Divine name, his personal name IS a guarantee. It also differentiates him from every other being in existence, "their is no other."
Many have used superstition regarding blasphemy and made futile arguments regarding God's personal name, leading to some scholars and Bible translators to deliberately remove the divine name from translations that circulate today, most entirely. Many of these contain an attempt to explain themselves away, for their actions, found in the forwards of their Bible translations.
This is very disappointing, as we just read from Exodus, His name was meant to be a "Memorial" to plainly make him and his name accessible to all who would search for him.
Some translations have the name "Jehovah" located within it's pages, for example; Psalms 83:18.
King James; "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the Earth".
The Moffatt translation however states; "to teach them that thou, O Eternal, thou art God most high o'er all the world."
The Revised standard version; "Let them know that thou alone, who's name is Lord, art most high over all the earth."
The New American Bible verse 19; "Show them that you alone are the Lord, most high over all the Earth." Of course the later 3 are titles, not names.
The foreword for the Revised Standard Version page 5 says; "a MAJOR departure from the practice of the American Standard Version is the rendering of the Divine name, the "Tetragrammaton". The A.S.V. used the term "JEHOVAH" ; The K.J. Version had employed this in four places, but everywhere else, except from 3 cases where it was employed as part of the proper name, used the English word Lord (or in certain cases God) printed in capitals. - Regarding the Hebrew- its not quite certain that the name was pronounced, YAHWEH."
Wherever you see in your translation then, Lord or God, with a capital letter it should have the name Jehovah. If you can access the brochure, The Divine Name that will endure for ever, published by the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania 1984. you will find God's name has been used in many lands and in many ways for 1000s of years. In architecture, scrolls, tablets and art, etc.
It has only been hidden by men, lacking the courage to buck the trend and traditions adopted centuries earlier.
Then explaining as many scholars do, "the Divine name was written in Hebrew without vowels, YHWH. So when vowels are added the correct pronunciation is uncertain." So is that reason to omit it?
The James Moffatt translation Containing the old and New Testament's, In the introduction pages 20,21 states; "One crucial instance offered by a Hebrew term lies in the prehistoric name given at the Exodus by the Hebrews to their God. Strictly speaking this ought to be translated "Yahweh," which IS FAMILIAR to modern readers in the erroneous form of "Jehovah." Were this translation intended for students of the original, there would be no hesitation whatever in printing "Yahweh." But almost at the last moment I HAVE DECIDED with some reluctance to follow the French scholars and of Matthew Arnold (although not exactly for his reasons), who translated this NAME by "the Eternal", --- I trust that in a popular version like the present my choice will be understood even by those who may be slow to pardon it."
Moffatt admits these points, the God of the Hebrews or Jews, the Nation of Israel has a name, "Yahweh" and to modern English translation this is Jehovah, though he considers this to be flawed. But still acknowledges the name. He also admits it should be inserted in the places it is omitted from, (7000 odd places). Though curiously, he personally decided, despite knowing it would likely be brought into question and expecting understanding, though no real explanation is given as to why.
Yet a different translation, The New American Bible, acknowledges the name "Yahweh" in the fore section, under The Pentateuch sub heading when referring to Moses encounter At the Burning Bush.
However, in the account found at Exodus 3: 15, states, "The Lord", the God of Abraham etc, has sent me to you. "This is my name forever; and this is my title for all generation:".
Lord, is a title, isn't it? not a name. So yet again the same thing, they admit that The Divine one has a name, not just a title, but refuse to use it.
1 Cor 8:5,6 explains that there are many god's and many lords. But only "One God The Father" and one Lord Jesus Christ".
So why refuse to identify "The Father" by his name? Ignoring the God of the Hebrews, They shine extra attention on their god of choice, the Son. By Calling Jehovah, (Yahweh) Lord, or some other title, they can cloud the identity of the Divine one to promote their teaching of the trinity, which is not scriptural, nor approved of by God, By Jehovah. Exodus 34:14 "you must not prostrate yourself to another god, because Jehovah, whose name is jealous, he is a jealous God."
Also Ezekiel 39:25, "I will show EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION to my Holy Name."
Rev 19:10 reveals the structure of worship in Heaven with a warning, and in turn, what is expected of true worshippers, "At that I fell down before his feet to worship him. But he tells me: "BE CAREFUL! Do not do that! All I am is a fellow slave of you and of your brothers who have the work of witnessing to Jesus. Worship God; for the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying."
We are to worship Jehovah alone, while serving the Lord Jesus and having the similar attitude that we are all "fellow slaves". No-where does the Bible say to worship Jesus, look up Mt 4:10, John 4:23, Duet 6:13-15. You work it out!
Does the Bible say to hide God's personal name? Does it say, Worship Jesus? If not then who could manipulate ones in a position of authority such as these scholar's and religious leaders?
Mt 26: 14-16, Sadly ones have been manipulated without even knowing it.
From these few translations we find that, YES, they all agree that God Almighty has a personal name. So, why do they omit it? Some admit it was due to pressure from their benefactors, the ones paying for the Translation, others simply followed the crowd, or to promote doctrine. To who's advantage do you think this came to be? Certainly not Jehovah's, he wanted his name to be a memorial, to time indefinite. Seeing as this has continued for thousands of years, it's obviously the work of the one who has "Enmity" towards God, Jehovah, and his Seed, Genesis 3:15, Satan's!
Do they think also, for a second, that the personal name Given to Mary regarding the Christ (Jesus), that the way his name is pronounced in English is the same as in Hebrew? So, if it is ok to print his name, but not the Fathers it is illogical at best.
Jesus himself judged such ones in his day, "They strain out the Gnat but gulp down the Camel."
Regarding the correct pronunciation, does it matter, should we not use it if we are not sure?
We definitely should use it. How can anyone identify any object or thing, living or not without having an identifying name of some sort attached. What is the first thing a family does when they get a new puppy? They don't call it "Dog" for the rest of it's life, especially having more than one, that would be ridiculous.
How much more absurd then is calling Jehovah, only by the Title Lord or God. Especially when their are countless lords and gods.
To help illustrate that a name is necessary but pronunciation isn't, I will tell you this true story.
I wanted to keep totally anonymous, but as my Blog is not being found I am going to go more mainstream, so my identity will likely become known eventually.
When I was very young, my parents called me Billy. This was what I was known by for a few years, till I changed it. Why? My Dad was also Billy, and his father, and his fathers father.
So what's the problem? My brother and I would be playing some imaginary game in the sand pit or doing something else, 'vitally important' like that. All of a sudden, BIIILLLLY, would ring out, this was fine during the week, on the weekends however! My Dad, also being called Billy, caused confusion.
My brother, who was 11 months older than me would look at me, look away a little, tilt his head and raise his eyebrows. As if to say, "here we go again, you know you have to go."
After many interruptions of our vitally important games I'd had enough. On one of these occasions I went in to find out, yet again, with, NOT YOU! "That's it", I said. Call me Joey".
My grandparents called me Billy Joe, I was Christened, William Joseph, although my birth certificate only read William. So from that day on, to my family I was Joey. To others, William, or William Joseph or just Joseph to some. My aunties still called me Billy Joe into adulthood, my brother used to call me Jew or Josephine. Dad introduced me to others as Number 2 son, and would call me Giuseppe or juice for short to some I was known as Bill. I also had the Knick name, Grub, growing up, and many other names over the years. Even titles like stupid I would answer to, I'm not Too proud.
Mostly though if you ask me my name I will reply, Joe, all worked.
Jehovah's name, as we discussed is different from most, it's backed up with meaning, a guarantee.
He will prove to be whatever is required to come to our aid.
So, what's the point of the illustration? Although it is a self given name, that is obviously not correct, it's what most people know me as, Joe.
I'm pretty sure the English word Jehovah isn't correct. Does it matter? Not really. It sets the True God, The Father, God Almighty apart. It is his MEMOR.IAL to time indefinite.
Psalms 83:18 in The New World Translation, The original. says; "That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, You alone are the Most High over all the Earth." Anything, even if not entirely accurate is better than nothing.
2 Tim 2:1-6, The truths regarding these things are to be preached or taught. if not now, When?
John 17:6, Jesus taught it, shouldn't we? Proverbs 18:10 tells us; "the name of Jehovah is a strong tower, into it the righteous runs." How can anyone do that if they are praying to another. The Lords prayer even tells us to direct our prayers to "Heavenly father" and that his name should be "Hallowed" or held Holy.
Interestingly, the word, Hallelujah, is a cry of praise to God, it literally translate to mean, Praise Jah. Jah, an abbreviation of Jehovah. So whenever people say Hallelujah, they are in fact saying Praise Jehovah, whether they realise it or not.
If, in your search for a relationship with God, you find that you are being harassed by "evil spirits" or something seems to be hindering your efforts. As the scripture said, "Run" to Jehovah. Use his name, out loud if need be. James 4:7 says; "oppose the devil and he will flee from you". That does not mean that the Divine Name is some sort of Good Luck charm, such things are detestable to Jehovah. But if in need, calling to him, even repeatedly, could help. I personally have found that in my quest to serve that those around me seem to have things go wrong or are at times harassed. Hopefully, you do not and will never need this information, if you do, hopefully it helps. In any case, "pour your heart out to him, for He cares for you. Doing so in Jesus name. in turn he can then "pour out to you holy spirit" "with help at the right time".
If however, also in your possession, you have items used to attract the Spirit World, then should you be surprised that you are having troubles? Things like Dream catchers, items used to communicate with the spirit world, sorcery, witchcraft and anything to do with the occult. Get rid of them, like rubbish.
Many gave their all in support of furthering the 'truth' and purity of God's word.
Shouldn't we too, seek the truth of these things?
As your knowledge grows, shed anything that could hinder your progressive relationship with the Living God, Jehovah. I do not know how, nor do I want to know, but there seems to be a link between items such as these and demonic influence, like an invitation given to medal in your life.
So, in conclusion, Jesus Taught God's name to his disciples, John 17:6.
He instructed those close to him before his departure, to "make disciples", "teach them all the things I have commanded you", Mt 28:19,20, which includes God's name, in whatever language you happen to speak, and us today.
Those who are not are in fact fighting against God, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, just as the Current Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses have done.
Work it out for yourself! If a child, say 3yrs of age with thinking ability had explained to them that God's name is Lord, would they understand? If a child was likewise told, "If anyone in future and forever asks you what your parents names are, you must say, Mum and Dad."
Or again, If a parent said to their child, "I know you have a name, but, to save confusion, I am from now on calling you Daughter, but, it's ok, I will use a capital D to make sure everyone knows it's your name", or "S" for Son? Wouldn't they reason you are mad?
If a teaching is not understandable, straight forward and in line with scriptural truth, then what would you conclude?
But that's what these men are asking you to do. Why? They have seated themselves in a position of trust and power, the same seat the men before them sat in, so you must listen? Really?
Is it not God who draws us and by Holy Spirit and the ransom by means of the shed Blood of the Christ, his only begotten, his firstborn that holds our future in his hands? Or is it man?
If you do a search regarding the identity of Jesus, his pre human existence and who he is now, this will
certainly gain you focus on revealed spiritual and scriptural truth. Col 1:15, John 3:16, Rev 1:5, 1 Thes 4:16, Jude 9, Daniel 10:13, 10:21, 12:1, Rev 12:7, And his "new nae" Rev 3:12,13.
His roles in our worship and God's Kingdom government. Heb 3:1, 6:20. Is 32:1, Mt 21:5, Da 2:44. Rev 6:1,2.
1John 4:9 explains how great God's sacrifice and love is for mankind, sending his "only begotten son" a tutor and ransom for us. Jesus, formerly Michael, the Archangel. Who existed as God's only personal creation for eons of time, as all other things were created through Jesus, Col 1:16. ceased to exist as alive for the first time ever, till Jehovah raised him from the dead, Mt 28:7.
What a Stirling example of selflessness from both, our God Jehovah and our reigning king Jesus Christ. And peoples have been determined to hide such beautiful role models in a sea of confusing doctrine, saying they are the same person? We have but one God, and now we have a new father,
1 Tim 3:16, 1 Cor 15:45 earning the right to gain mankind as his inheritance.
Speaking of Jehovah, the prophet declared, "Like a shepherd he will shepherd his own drove. With his arm he will collect together the lambs; in his bosom he will carry them. Those giving suck he will conduct with care". Isaiah 40:11.
Does it really matter, knowing God and Jesus personally? It's vital, John 17:3. This scripture shows that getting to know each one personally, which would include their names, identities, who they are individually and how each plays a role in the outworking of God's purpose to reconcile to himself his offspring, us. Look it up in your Bible, don't take my word for it.
By coming to use the Divine name, to trust in it, you will move ever closer to him, and He you.
Yes!, A name is important, valuable to it's owner, it is far different from a title. Would you like to be called by a title only? Especially by those who are supposed to you love?
The Divine name is even more valuable, I encourage you to use it. In time we may be blessed with it's correct pronunciation.
man in expectation :)
This Brochure was obviously the work of many faithful men and women.
This momentous work in collecting, documenting and writing all this, to God's glory, was done before the internet and computers were the norm, making this beautiful publication not only informative in the extreme, but easy to grasp the vital importance of The Divine Name that will endure forever.
The mash-up! "You must love Jehovah your God, with your whole Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and keep His Commandments. If you do, you will be wise enough to bypass any trial with ease, and have an indefinitely lasting name with The Living One. Those who fail to take these things to heart, will suffer shame and fall short in a large way, all that is his, will be destroyed and cease to exist.
You who love Him, however, will flourish with joy, under the tent cloths of Jehovah, always." Ecc 12:13, Mark 12:30 and Ps 37:18-20.