A Physical report into Apostasy.
In my early Blogs I discussed an Study article in the Watchtower magazine, Study Edition, produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses and dated July 15, 2013.
It was the information within this magazine that cemented, the irrefutable proof, that the organization, or at least those providing the spiritual guidance for the congregations Worldwide, had indeed become corrupted and thus became Apostate. 2 Thes 2:1-12.
Apostasy is, according to the Oxford dictionary; "The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief or principle."
The Apostle Paul plainly warned of this being an issue in the first century, but emphasized that this was to be a defining factor, as to prophetic truths surrounding" the End", the, "Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ", "The Man of Lawlessness", (who mirrors Judas of the twelve), and "The Day of the Lord".
I have gone into great lengths in my early blogs, laying out the abundant evidence that this very organization IS a Key component of this in our day. And that Jehovah's Witnesses have fulfilled these and other prophecies, As I personally have witnessed and found proven in God's Word.
The organization under the direction of Spirit begotten faithful men, were in a favored position leading up and into the early 2000s. From this time period on, the 'faithful Brothers' at the helm were gradually replaced by a new generation of leadership.
These proved to be, in our time period; 'the Man of Lawlessness", 2 Thes 2:3. Also, the ones that would "Blaspheme God's name" Romans 2: 24.
Also by the works that sprung from their hands and their corrupt hearts became; "The Disgusting thing that causes desolation, standing where it ought not" Daniel 9,11. and Matthew 24: 15,16 spoken of by Jesus himself.
Including many other evidences that this "insignificant group" Mt 5:11, of ones counted as nothing among the world of Christianity, WERE, in fact formerly approved and used by the Lord in declaring "God's acceptable year" Is 61:2, and the "Good news of the Kingdom of God", Mt 24:14.
The prophecies contained in the second letter to the Thessalonians is of particular interest, as to how this would unfold.
2 Thes 2: 1-12, New International Version,
1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Evidence becomes undeniable
As I mentioned I found a particular magazine that clinched it for me that the organisation was indeed corrupted and teaching lies. And that even the congregation members had developed the attitude that identifies them as "The Workers of Lawlessness".
At this time, for some unknown reason to me, I feel impelled, to scan and discuss this magazines study articles to demonstrate the unholy origins of it. As evidence for you to recognize this Apostasy or corruption, not only for your own evidence, but more so as a learning tool, so as to what to watch out for in the future. though I am not comfortable doing so.
In doing so, also demonstrating with facts that the Apostasy that has taken a hold of the Christian Organisation known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, in relation to scriptural truth and false teachings, was foretold and was to take place. This is vital information, as these things set the scene for the events still to shortly take place.
Now that this humiliation has taken place, for Jehovah's Witnesses, also for all other faiths, as they ignored them and their message of the "Good News of God's Kingdom" and likewise fell far short of the requirements of The Lord.
None, therefore, can hold their heads higher than any other religious group or organisation, for ALL, from every background are equally guilty and equally in need of forgiveness if sin.
Thankfully, Jehovah God has already remedied this by means of the sin atoning value of His Son's precious blood, for this very occasion. Which blood, He gave for me.
We all need education so as to "Set matters straight" between us, and our Grand Instructor.
From a Good start
It is important to note, that, the ones that have, as prophesied, emerged at the end of these days, those currently at the helm of the J.W.s. org, were formerly led by god fearing men and women in instruction and service since the later half of the 1800s. Interestingly, The Grey Ghost was released 100 years, after the "End of the Gentile Times.
The organisation, though not perfect, was directed by Holy spirit and by faithful men, ones who were determined to teach in harmony with God's word, to the best of their abilities, and in line with truth.
Though I believe some in the not too distant past, like me, fell away or were shoved, due to things not sitting well with them, as it was being dispensed by the Governing Body of their day.
'Faith' and 'free will' no longer carry weight?
Just like the one time they used the example of Joseph, when in prison, to create doubt, they questioned his faith in God, they pointed out that he was doing it tough in prison.
Which then led to the statement that he, Joseph, had lost faith, which is not scriptural, yet they said it.
Later this technique I found was used, leading to a further corruption of truth.
When in the "New" New world Translation of The Holy Scriptures", "The Grey Ghost", was released, they, in the end section, under the explanation of God's name, "Jehovah".
These dog's say, that; God's name means "He causes to become", which, according to them;
"May include this "IDEA", it is not limited to what He Himself chooses to become. It also includes what He causes to happen regarding His creation and the accomplishment of His purpose".
Do you get the gravity of this statement?
They are saying; The Almighty one, God, doesn't know how things are going to turn out, and He will maneuver matters to get His way. Your faith and free will are 'void' or 'invalid' as He will make you do whatever He wants to accomplish His will.
They and Satan are well aware of His being "Eternal" and they are already knowing that His way is just. So, to cast doubt, they paint God as one who resorts to corruption and interfering with free will, so as to get His way.
That sound's very much like the way His Chief Enemy Satan behaves, Not "The God of Love".
Who could only be behind such trash? Can't you see how treacherous and disgustingly hurtful this slander is??
They rattled off many names of men and women of faith at the time of release of "the Grey Ghost".
then this trash was highlighted immediately, to ward off confrontation. No back foot for these unclean dog's.
Can you see why they have taken to questioning the faith of ones in Bible times now?
If these faithful one's, they can then say were made to do what they did, it gives credence to their false statements regarding God as a bully. And, in turn, builds up their personal credibility, sort of, before the gullible.
"They are led by Holy Spirit, they can't be wrong!, can they?" Is the seed they planted, and they "took no note", just as Jesus prophesied they would.
He, my loving God, whom I serve, whom I love dearly, based on evidence and facts, because I choose to, because he recommends his Love to me. These say my faith is likewise invalid and of no merit as He can; "cause anyone to do what He want to fulfill His purpose", GRUBS.
Thus nullifying "Free Will" and "Works of faith". Am I the only one who see's how horrifying this is?
Many over the centuries have given their all to ensure God's word remained pure, free from bias and personal opinion. These have attacked not only God's Word, but also the faith of such ones.
This goes to explaining why they questioned the faithful works of Joseph and other Bible persons like Gideon.
He, who obviously was convinced by evidence of God's backing and love for His peoples, he was certainly not forced, as proved by evidence.
These among others, they had stated were basically coerced or forced by Jehovah, like He is just a master manipulator, to get His way.
In effect saying none of us are His friends or love Him due to Faith and devotion, No, not even His Christ! We are all forced to, without choice. According to this "Idea".
They printed it, giving it weight.
I could go on, and on, about the things they did. They even admitted to changing the Bible.
Boasting about the the many tens of thousands of words they cut it down by, for "Ease of translation", convenience and money.
After admitting and announcing this, THEY, said, regarding the prophecy in Revelation About adding or removing a word. "If anyone says a word about this, they will be kicked out of the Org and labeled as the clergy", who objected to the original translation by the actual faithful and Discreet men. This is absolutely abhorrent behavior.
Whether you were, are, or not associated with J.W.s. this surely must be a shocking thing.
By these drip feeding "Idea's" they persuade ones into their corrupt way of thinking. Ones like these always do things gradually and slyly. Clearly, the only one who benefits' from such misinformation is Satan. Using their own faulty reasonings' like these, so as to draw you to the conclusions "they" are pushing you to accept, doing Satan's work for him.
One thing I have noticed, even if you show the evidence to such ones that they are corrupted in their thinking, they simply cannot see it. Even the congregation and experienced and faithful men, did not get what was happening.
It was like the entire organisation loved it. They trusted the leaders, supposedly, "Appointed by Spirit" and refused to even consider the facts or evidence.
May this never happen in "Paradise."
The Watchtower of July 2013
The first article, in this Study Edition July 15, 2013, entitled;
“Tell us, when will these things be?” Studied from September 2-8th
Is at best, guess work. A discussion based on spurious questions and assumption, not based on former understanding or scripture. But rooted in the week minds of Apostates.
The second, "Look! I am with you All the Days, Sep 9-15
Third Feeding many through the hands of a Few". Sep 16-22
And finally "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave? Sep 23-29.
The third, "Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few" was the one that I found extremely offensive.
The entire article was a blasphemous assault upon the Father, The Son and, Yes, the Holy Spirit!
Mt 12: 31-32. A very serious offence indeed.
In it, they talk up their credentials and power of oversight, as the ones that 'ALL faithful' mankind depend upon for scriptural and spiritual truth.
Not once did these grubby men offer Glory to God for their enlightenment. Nor the Holy channel through which all things that are approved of are dispensed, namely The Christ on His Heavenly throne, by means of God's Wonderful and pure Holy Spirit. This was a difficult thing to see and experience.
In it they even exclude themselves and elevate themselves above judgement from God. Oooooh they are so bad and blind.
In a box on page 24 they refer to Matthew 24:48-51 and the judgement of the "Faithful and discrete Slave whom His master appointed" saying regarding the Judgement on the wicked slave: referring to some random scholar whom they do not identify, this passage, "for all practical purposes is a hypothetical condition".
Are you serious, Jesus said that He personally will discipline the unfaithful slave, did He not?
But, they prefer the idea that they are 'eternally Holy' and immune from judgement.
Stupid ones, who are quick to forget that Satan was formerly one of the Son's of God and once an Angel of high standing!
This first article, along with the rest is an easy identifier for Apostate information.
They follow the usual pattern of the corrupt, asking questions that are raised as if they important, though really not necessary.
These then draw conclusion, from speculation, and cherry picking scriptures, which often do not apply, or fit the discussion adequately, with the obvious motive to give credence to the direction of their leading. They plant the seed, water it, then encourage growth by the victim.
This is the first article
On the first page of the article, they ask in a side section; How Would You Answer?
1/ What parallels are there between the two fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy about the Great Tribulation? (What parallels?)
2/ How does the parable of the Sheep and the Goats affect our view of the preaching work? (It shouldn't, one's service to the Lord has only to do with the server, and his master!)
3/ In Matthew 24,25, to what time did Jesus refer when He spoke about His coming? (This Question does not even matter, we are not to even ask that, but to keep in expectation, always!)
Already this is frustrating and making me uncomfortable.
Lets see what they are trying to peddle onto the congregations as to entice and in bed into the hearts of the reader.
Are they teaching anything of benefit?
This is my actual copy.
Please read for yourself the following section: Tell Us, When Will These Things Be? Par 1-3.
The conclusion of paragraph 3 is continued on the next page. It says "(from 1918 onward), and it will conclude at Armageddon".
Paragraph 1, looks plain enough, but they do not emphasize the importance of, Why we should want to know how Bible prophecy will affect our service, and what God needs or expects, from us in regard to it.
Instead of explaining the importance of being on the right side of God’s prophetic word and the great privilege of serving with joy shoulder to shoulder with Jesus and the Holy Angels.
They encourage us to ask ourselves Questions we do not need, questions that 'They' will give the answer too.
No direction to Bible based instruction, or anything inspired by Holy Spirit as our guide.
In paragraph 2 they point out that “Jehovah’s servants (Which would hit the heart of those in the congregations considering this material, saying; YOU are Involved, So Listen, effectively) have ‘Prayerfully’ studied Jesus’ prophecy (Giving credence to their assumption that God must have granted the answers). They have sought to get a “Clearer” understanding (creating the assumption that the former understanding was somewhat flawed, which they do not provide for a comparison) and instead of focusing on the prophecies themselves, they want us to look for answers regarding the “Timing of the fulfillment”, which no man knows.
There already is a major problem with this. Why? Jesus said with gusto; “Stop looking for a sign” and "Nobody knows the day or the hour” Mt 12; 39, 16; 1-4. But simply to "Keep in expectation", to keep busy so that whenever that day arrives, by concentrating on these things we would prove ready.
Within this very prophecy that they are pointing to for answers, Jesus said, Mt 24; 36-44 that looking for a time or date was futile, but doing what was necessary was the important thing.
Interestingly, He followed directly after this warning to those appointed by Spirit to lead, and those who were not!
So already This "Wicked slave" has shown their cards, they are asking all to consider, ‘another way’. In effect they are asking; "'Is it really so', that the fruit of the tree you should not eat?
Then towards the end of the second paragraph they admit that “OUR understanding has been” changed. Thus, you need to hear this and get in line.
Notice they do not say that this thing is from, or through, Jesus himself!
Can you see why the articles from this time period, during my final years in association with them and leading up to this one would frustrate me to tears.
If you just read them as information and instruction, you may think they are O.K.
But when you stop at ask whether this is a half truth or twisting of scripture. Or even if these articles are needed, you see holes everywhere.
Anyway, back to the 1st article.
Then they say consider “Three 'when' questions”. When there is obviously 4.
Re the Great Tribulation, The Sheep, The Goats and the ultimate furphy; “When” will Jesus arrive?
Really, all these questions are irrelevant and, or, speculative at best.
When Does “The Great Tribulation” Begin? Par 3-9
Par 3 immediately makes false statements.
The Insight on The Scriptures Vol 2 publication supposedly the uncovered facts; (This publication is produced by Holy Spirit through Faithful men, from which forms many such articles in the J.W.s. books and magazines and the basis of their revealed understanding, does not say that.) But, as usual, these grubs are trying to prove righteous by association with these former servants of the Lord.
It says words to the effect of, “the Great tribulation occurs, only ‘After, the 144,000 are sealed in heaven". This also, however; does not have concrete scriptural proof.
What Jesus did say, however, was that “Immediately after ‘The Tribulation of "THOSE DAYS’”.
He is talking about a particular event and a period of time. Not necessarily "The Great Tribulation".
However, if we consider the text at Mt 24; 21, He was talking about the period of time surrounding, “the Disgusting thing that causes Desolation”.
That time period in which this occurred in the first century was the arrival of the Roman army, standing in the Temple of Jehovah.
And today, as I suggested, the Apostate governing body of J.W.s. building and occupying their
"World Wide Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses" from where they peddle their lies.
When The reality is that The Christ rules from heaven and not through men. As these blind ones have proclaimed. Not to mention their changing the Bible and blasphemous behavior against the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit.
This text at Mt 24:21, was possibly a 'separate' or an additional time or ‘Tribulation’ entirely or even as an additional part of the "Great Tribulation", to that found at Mt 24:29-31.
This is backed up by another fact. When you cross reference the words “Great Tribulation” Mt 24:21, it does not even take you to Mt 24; 29. Instead it takes you to Rev 7:14.
Where it is discussing the post judgement period of our days as we move forward toward Eden/Paradise.
It is often not until a prophecy is revealed that it's application is absolute. Thus these have fallen into the trap of searching in a dark room with no light source.
1 Tim 1:4 & 6:4 describe this article perfectly. These men who claim to be serving God are writing utter dribble that have no foundation in truth or the Bible, but creating “False stories, which end up in nothing, but which furnish questions for research rather than dispensing anything from God”. nothing but
OOOOH, I Can’t go on reading this garbage, it's to frustrating and upsetting to me.
My thoughts were to go through all three articles with you so as to help you see how to recognize liars and the “Wicked one” “The man of Lawlessness” even.
But I can’t do it. Sorry.
And I am thoroughly sick of hearing how J.W.s. and all faiths think they alone know God’s mind and are quick to judge as to who is acceptable to Him, as if they (each religion)know The thoughts of The Most High, and alone are Holy.
They, each peddle their own flavors of teachings, as if to say, "try this, it's really better than theirs". Hypocrites! One and all.
Sorry if that offends, But God should be found righteous, not men, or their own personal interpretations about the feelings of The Almighty One.
God's own word states at Acts 10: 34,35, check your own translation for His feelings towards us ALL. It clearly says in all Bibles, “At this Peter opened his mouth and said, ‘For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial. But in every nation the man that fears God and works righteousness is acceptable to Him”’ And Romans 3:23; “All have fallen short of the glory of God”.
How much longer will you men who have their members in their hands, keep using their abilities to draw a deeper line of demarcation in the sand. God is judge, through our Lord Jesus Christ, not you hypocrites!
That is why you will all suffer a humiliation, from Israel, to the tiniest religion on the tiniest Island. All religion is wrong.
But God is merciful, remembering that we are dust, and as children who do not know they are even born yet. He, is giving us an opportunity to set things Straight, between us, and him. Pleeeeaaasse, Listen to Him. Take off your fancy cloths of office and put down your scepter.
He needs each one, from the oldest women to youngest boy, to open their eyes, and stand up as one, for righteousness, for love, for each other, and for Him, for our very own future. Equally and with one voice.
Our Home is beckoning us to come; “Taste life’s water free” and drink up your fill, free, no admission fee required, is God's plea.
Just trust that “The Holy One of Israel” knows you and is calling to you. Please hear Him, not me.
I am just flesh and blood, ‘Dust’, as you are. But He is much more. May you and your offspring be blessed to time indefinite, even forever.
We are now in the throws of the Great Tribulation, like the pangs of distress upon a pregnant woman, We can't stop it, this is the time period from which we ourselves cannot escape.
Have you seen mankind, taking sides, choosing sides while all on the same sinking ship, yet they continue to throw missiles. Don't you know it is only speeding up the ships going down. From far right, to military, to religious rule.
The obvious decay and endless consuming and destruction, we have thrust upon ourselves, and our children’s children, is irreversible.
Except for God, all things are possible to Him. That is why He appointed Jesus as King, that is why Jesus paid the ransom price, with His own precious blood, for this very day, and this very occasion.
The days will be cut short! Then all “will have to know that He is Jehovah”, Eze 6:7.
Sorry I couldn’t do it for you! Go through the information, that is.
I do not even recommend you complete the taking in of such a meal. It can only make you sick in the stomach and leave you diseased. Who can eat it?
This trash, and unclean food like it, was peddled among J.W.s. for some time, until the “The Man of Lawlessness” became fully into the light.
A missed application here, or a half truth, here and there and then, leading the sheep astray, and beating them had already begun!
Although, for me, I just had to stay to see just how far they would go.
I encourage ALL, anywhere in any religion, If you suspect they are drawing you to follow them, instead of our leader, Jesus. Or The Great Almighty Living One, separate yourselves.
You do not need to be standing in a Church or Kingdom Hall or any other place of worship for God to love you and know your hearts. Remember Abraham and Sarah? God loved and blessed them, did they have a formal way of worship? Did they need bricks and mortar to be called His friend?
What about Job? He was from the East somewhere, not associated with Israel at all, a place if you are from, they look down upon.
What about Sampson's mum, my favorite, she was not a man, or prominent, but the Angel of Jehovah visited her 2 times.
She had a house that was made of good and precious materials. Was that because she went to the Temple? No! God is an estimator of hearts, correct? He knew she would suffer much as her house (her heart) crumbled. But God can and will, build it back up. He was mindful of her as within the instructions for her yet to be born son, He added, "Please". He didn't need to, but He did. He is mindful of your struggles also, never blame Him for your pain. But He is mindful of this also and promises; "He will satisfy the desire of every living thing", Also "No resident will say; 'I am sick"'.
He, IS our Father, "If a child asks for an Egg, will his parent give him a serpent? How much more then will your father give to you" when we are under "His Tent cloths"
He knows your struggles, He knows you. So, "separate yourselves from the unclean thing, and I, I will take you in says the Lord".
Oh, and stop giving the lazy ones your money, "take care of your own household" so says the scriptures, and the Law was abolished by Jesus himself, so why allow these seagull's to keep taking all they see.
If then you have something to share, give it to those who need it, if you want to, or not.
While it is in your hands, it's yours isn't it. "A person who does not take care of their own first is worse than a person with out faith". Look it up, it's scriptural and part of the inspired word.
Sorry if i'm ranting again. You are too important to loose, sorry, I get a bit desperate for you.
This magazine was released for consumption for July 2013. Which fits with my conclusion that the Apostasy had fully taken hold of the organisation by the time previously discussed in 2012.
Yes! The world did end, the only spiritual channel available that sought to uncover hidden truths that had God’s Spirit, was lost.
It was destroyed in 2012 by weak men who were warned of the consequences of falling asleep at their posts. And not having "oil, in their lamps" and so on.
This touchstone magazine is proof of that.
Please allow me to tell you a true story.
It was around 2003-5 I think.
I was too sick, too often, to get employment from anyone. So, my wife and I learned from her father how to manufacture products and the wholesale these for profit.
It was a pretty good business, though a very labor intensive activity. With little financial outlay you could make products with a high Ish return. Enough to pay the bills anyway.
Also, working from home I could manage my time a little as I was usually laid up for 2 or 3 days per week on a good week.
Due to necessity to eat, lol, we would occasionally go to special weekend street festival events and such, to sell our goods. Just joking, we usually got by. There were times when we had no food, not too often.
These events sometimes fell flat, other times they helped keep us going financially. At times I could set my wife up at one and I could go to a nearby meeting for worship. She never took an interest in spiritual or scriptural things.
On one such occasion, I was set up, and as was my custom, if I could not get to the Kingdom Hall for the Watchtower Study, I would go over the study material for that week, that was being discussed among the worldwide congregation of J.W.s. when customers were scarce.
I was approached by a nearby stall holder, she was peddling covers for electric irons.
She noticed my Watchtower magazine and asked, “Are you a Brother, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses”? or something like that.
She seemed a bit uppity to me, you know, ‘a bit better than everyone else!’ That was the first alarm bell.
It turns out that she and her husband were from another region and often attended such events as part of her regular business activities.
Not a usual thing for a J.W. to engage in activities that regularly took them away from worship activities.
I spoke to her husband thinking ‘he could probably use some association or encouragement’. Rom 1;12. That was actually my favorite part of being a J.W., the opportunity encourage the week and to meet new ones who loved God and especially new ones to love.
Before long I could tell something was more than a bit off. Firstly, his wife’s Jezebel attitude. Then he seemingly had disrespect for the “Brothers” because they would give encouragement for them to attend meetings and association, over conducting business. Another red flag!
Then he explained how “we also make products, 'TO HELP' others in the congregation”.
Whereas; I recall, and agree with the counsel to not engage in business in a place of worship. Jesus overturned the money changers tables, saying; " stop making my Father's house into a place of business " essentially, do you recall?
This man and his wife were more than comfortable with their choice. So that was 3 red flags.
Then in a haughty tone, he started to rattle on with something about the "Brothers", I think it was. He quoted some random scripture, maybe from 2 kings, or maybe it was about kings, I don’t know, I really couldn't work out what he was going on about.
But what was even crazier was that his application of the text was nonsensical. I was so confused!
Obviously, I had no idea what he was going on about, but he obviously felt very strongly about it.
He came across very animated and aggressive, in his stance, Unmovable!
I didn't agree with him, or give any objection, I just went about my business.
It was as though he was seeing a thing in the scriptures that simply didn’t exist. It was very weird.
They both proceeded to talk up the fact that the products they were peddling to the congregations were a great help for the congregation. Yeah right!
A congregation they had no respect for, or had any qualms about being absent from, but happy to do business with????
Apostates are Blind Guides
This encounter left me perplexed and confused. How can two, seemingly intelligent people, be so fart off the planet they don’t even know it.
I believe they also employed others from the congregation in manufacturing their range.
Can you imagine the pollution they are filtering through their hearts. I’m sure, in time, such a couple would have been removed from the congregation.
Ones like these, I can accept the congregation’s distance toward them. But labeling innocent and desperate ones as "Goats" was a very painful thing to repeatedly see.
What is the application? Can’t you see it?
These ones I just mentioned are the same as all apostates. "They hide what they are", but if you look, it's as bright as a summer's day.
What appears to be evident in my dealings with such ones is that they have absolutely no idea that they are being used and manipulated. Let alone that they are misleading others.
Likely, the same thing happened with Eve.
I think it was the prophet Isaiah who foretold the outcome for them once all becomes clear to them.
When he said, "let the mountains cover us and , something".
OH, here it is. The publications covering the prophecies of Isaiah. Book 1, chapter 5. Jehovah humiliates self exalted ones.
Covering the texts from Isaiah 2:6-4:1.
It covers the futile nature of anything else than God's Way. In par 7, after highlighting Isa 2:22-26 the brothers say, "Yes, Every organization raised up by man as a symbol of his pride and every ungodly individual will be given attention in the day of Jehovah's wrath." Then in par 12, under the subheading " To the Shrewmice and to the bats".
It asks, How will idol worshipers view their idols during Jehovah's great day?
Isaiah answers: "People will enter into the caves of rock's and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of Jehovah and from His splendid superiority, when He rises up for the earth to suffer shocks. I'm that day the earthling man will throw his worthless god's of silver and his valueless gods of gold.... To the Shrewmice and to the bats, in order to enter into the holes in the rocks and etc.... " Isaiah 2:19-22.
They then comment on par 13, Shrewmice live in holes in the ground and bats roost in dark and desolate caves. Moreover, where large numbers of bats dwell.. droppings and it smells. etc
When Jehovah's Day comes. Many will realize that their form of worship was worthless.
To me, throwing their idols away could also symbolize embarrassment. As they now come to know the reality.
I'm sure their is another account about those being exposed as false prophets will want the hill s and mountains to cover them. I can't remember. Maybe you can find it.
These ones will know they were thoroughly wrong and rejected. Maybe then they will also understand the gravity of the sin of misleading others in their course.
The current Governing Body of J.W.s., similarly, by their actions, as those spoken of by the prophets. They have stolen a clean standing with God from the congregations, and are exactly the same.
But what's just as perplexing is the way it went; with the couple at the market, and the congregations of J.W.s. "They took no note" just as Jesus said they would.
The Apostates arrogantly throw out a theory, based on nothing but something implanted or dreamed up in their hearts. Because it sounds good to them, it must be right, right? And everyone else must fall in line?
They discuss the merits of a nonsense argument, and in the process try to give it merit. Why do they get away with it and others follow?
Because they are in a position of authority, 'Trusted', for they 'are the Holy ones of God', right? All the soldiers just fall into line and become cannon fodder.
These, and all over the centuries, who have acted this way for whatever reason are "Apostates".
“They claim to serve God, but their Hearts are far removed from Him” Mt 15; 8-9.
They are all Apostate as Paul warned they would be hear prior to the End of the "Order of things".
As with the ones I met, and the Governing Body of J.W.s. Whom I never want to meet.
Do not give them ammunition, the only authority and power they have to do anything, is what you give them.
Jesus warned Mt 7; 6. “Do not give what is holy to Dogs', neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open”.
These such ones are obviously blinded in their consciences and minds. Satan or some other lowlife coward Demon has found a way to plant weeds in their hearts.
These, now Apostates, could very well have been in a good standing, at one time.
But if you observe such one's and don’t react, just watch. In time their madness will present itself to all. But the harm they do is very heartbreaking, for they usually convince the inexperienced first, then in time, the rest.
Question; How many drops of poison are too many? If your water supply is tainted and you are not aware of it, how long till you realise something isn't quite right?
As you go about your life, these ones may very well be even where you would never expect them.
By “Keeping on the watch”, Jesus gave us a safety net. A direction of forward momentum, not falling behind. Not of being caught in the " Birdwatchers trap".
We can only become like such ones if we “Lean on our own understanding” Proverbs 3;5. That is by following your own desires, that grow and become fertile in the heart.
And Pro 9;10,”The fear of Jehovah is the start of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Most Holy One is what understanding is”. If we truly draw close to God, the person and consider His feelings in our decision making, it is a safeguard for the heart.
I have watched on T.V. programs such as "Survivor" on which the contestants are put through "a social experiment" they call it, and a tempting financial reward for the winner.
The results on the individuals seems to be varied, depending on their personalities and how long they were in the game.
Some declare a moment of clarity in finding their strength etc. Others seem to become bitter.
Those who succeed to some extent I have seen appear on other programs, with contestants from other T.V. formats. The interesting thing is, that 'The Survivor' contestants are honed for battle, they have had their personalities changed, realizing it or not, to manipulate, to befriend those who might advantage them, and push towards a victory, or goal at almost any cost.
Obviously, such a program is for "Entertainment" purposes. But the psychological imprint is very apparent. Their lives at home and in business I would expect, too, may have had at least some influence.
The danger is that each one of us, as we go through life, find ourselves mixing with people and experiencing situations that, Do, and Will have an influence on us.
God's Word warn; "Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get into trouble". The New Living Translation.
Yes, in our lives we do find ourselves in situations that may be harmful to us, whether we realize it or not.
But to deliberately follow or even get close to stupid or dangerous ones is foolishness. Do you agree?
was I being foolish to delve into something I knew was unclean, I would answer; yes!
Our children in "This System or Order of things" especially need to take care who they admire or learn from. Being kind to others is good, but to put themselves in harms way due to pressure to fit in or any other reason can only lead to "Learning from fools". The results can't be good.
Never should we shun ones who are finding life tough and really need help, but "Keep your senses" "Be watchful" your heart can be harmed and set on a path that can only cause heartache and pain, to many. "Even if a man takes a false step before he is aware of it, you who have spiritual qualifications, re-adjust such a man in a spirit of MILDNESS", Gal 6:1.
We can do this for ourselves, Like I have today. Use these opportunities to assess yourself. Don't just shrug it off and say it doesn't matter. Learn and grow. If you do receive some advice from another, don't quickly dismiss it or take offence. But let it simmer for a while and think about the counsel. Was it well intended, was it hurtfully delivered? If not, consider it from their perspective. Maybe they are right, maybe not. Who cares, Growth and maturity are the important things.
But If ones are trying to manipulate you then go to God in prayer, seek advice from "wise ones" and learn from the danger, and or love.
These scriptures you can discern yourselves the wisdom within.
Is 29;14, “Therefore here I am, the one the one that will act wonderfully again with this people, in a wonderful manner and with something wonderful; and the wisdom of the wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discrete men will conceal itself”.
1 Cor 14; 20, “Brothers, do not become young children in powers of understanding, but be babes as to badness; yet become full grown in powers of understanding.
Proverbs 6;5 tells us of the trap of the “Bird catcher”. Traps like those laid by listening to senseless ones are easy to spot. If? Pro 29:3.
Do you get the sense of these things? Yes! Live your lives, but if it you are not for the Living and Great One, then what are you for??
The thing that stands out regarding Apostates, compared to those of various religions teaching false doctrine is.
They; the Apostates have come from a favored environment, a 'spiritual paradise' and been lured down a path that is thoroughly disgusting in it's filth. Putting themselves, ans any who listen to them in grave danger of judgement that is due such ones.
Whereas the rest may very well be doing the best with what they have been given.
A bit of advice for the young and inexperienced!
1 Cor 15:33, "Bad associations, spoil useful habits" is a good reminder.
In the real world, a friend who is only a friend for selfish reasons, and really doesn't care about your welfare. Is one who will drag you down with him, if it means getting his way, whatever the sin or crime.
Notice; Your good friends will soon disappear if you head down a bad path. And who is there to pick you up? If you have pushed righteous ones away. The path for ones who think it is 'Cool' to be a tough one. Or they think that pulling others down is funny, is a quick path to loneliness and broken relationships.
So don't fool yourself, you can only find happiness and joy, among happy and joyful times. It is never found in thrills and violence as you try to prove you are an adult.
Simply be a good friend yourself, and try not to enable the bad behavior of others.
One thing I have seen that has caused others much anxiety is: the squeaky wheel.
That is the person who always has an opinion on the lives of others. Gossiping or complaining to the point that their neighbors simply can't find peace. Even within their own homes.
It's as though they were never taught empathy for others. Nor respect the rights of others to choose their own lives. They complain so much that it's as though they were never told no, while growing up. Their opinion is the only one that matters.
Very harmful to the peace and security of others are these
, especially when they themselves are not perfect.
On the other hand, or side of the fence. Do you consider the feelings and needs of your neighbors.
For example, if you are an , Early to bed, Early to rise, type of person. And your neighbor is a late riser. Do you, knowing this, cut wood at four in the morning?
Or, you who stays up late, do you make noise into the twilight hours despite your fellow needing sleep. Or what if babies are next to you.
All it takes is a little thought. A little consideration for the other and all things are great.
If there is a cause for concern, discuss it with the attitude that is recommended. "Let all things take place decently and by arrangement". Not to an extreme, but out of love.
Communication is key, but Love is better. Yes!
All this is pretty basic stuff. But in this system, and in the one to come, time may be required for us to get it right.
Can you imagine a woman, resurrected from the old ways, betten down and scared from the former things? Or a child who finds themselves in an adults body, not having the skills of experience and maturity?
Now, will you be one who judges these as mere "goats" as is the custom today of the " workers of lawlessness". Or, will you patently, give them a soft place to land? When they ask for a hand, will you say I do not have any spare? Or, will you offer them 2?
We are all God's children, He has the same hopes for them as for you. Will life be of true peace and security for all, with you around? Are you like Clover? A stabilizing force, or will yet let others struggle to take root in the weather beaten gravel of hardship? Help each other, consider each other, imitate the Lord Jesus.
Considering the importance of our steps and actions towards others. Especially Apostates.
God's Word clearly states that if "A wicked man (those practicing wicked ways, either by deception or deliberately, for whatever reason, be it psychological or out of frustration and pain, for example, or any other path that has led them to such a place.) who turns to righteousness, His wicked ways will be forgotten, and righteous He will be counted.
Where as a Righteous man (One who has been given all opportunity to be blessed with fruits from God, distributed to Him with love, by ones approved of, and in good standing before God and men. And He allows Himself too, or chooses to pursue, false stories, in complete opposition to what He knows, or should know, to be righteous, even leaving His own family to do so) turns to darkness instead of the light, following His own perverted desires, in a course that is plainly in opposition to the deserved loyalty and love, due and owed to God. A debt we can never repay for His undeserved kindness.
His righteousness that He once practiced will be forgotten, wicked is what He IS. Do you think Jehovah will tolerate, ever again those who leans the way Satan did?
Do you get how serious this is. These J.W.s. "Leaders" who claim to serve God as disciples of the Lord Jesus, have clearly followed their own desires and even rejecting the Christ as leader.
They have bathed themselves in madness and proved to be just like Oholah and Oholibah, Eze 23, and IS "the Queen of the Harlots" Rev 18; 7. She IS not even an unfaithful Bride. Isa 54: 5.
Not an unfaithful wife, because she didn't even make it to the altar, before sneaking off with whomever she saw. Rev 17:5.
Whereas those of Christendom, who this unfaithful bride just loves to slap, are often doing their best with what they have. They can't worship a God they have not been properly introduced to, can they? Jonah 4: 11.
Therefore, you who are actually guilty, drink it up, you poured the wine of the blood of your fornication, enjoy the fruits of your labor. Mt 8:12.
Whereas your parishioners, the World Wide Congregations, if they "Stop touching the unclean thing" 2 Cor 6: 17, will be like the wicked man who is counted as righteous, but you, as wicked.
I do not know exactly why my God has blessed me, or cursed, with insight of these things.
Not that anything bad comes from my father. But, as I have continually separated myself from these unclean things, I yet, still, find myself alone. But, yet, I have the best gift a man could have, Knowledge of the Most High to buoy me up through these days, these trials, this being alone, with a sure and joyful hope for the future.
I consider the loss of fellowship a sad thing, but the things gained, everlasting.
Yes! I have a wife, a good one. And children, and even grandchildren. Why, I have seen generations upon generations. My Daughter sat on the knee of her ‘Great, Great, grandmother. Yet I have practically no one to share these things with.
My Joy, My hopes, My love for God and His is abounding, but, sala vie, it is what it is.
I know in the new system of things, all will love my God, just as much as me, probably more, Wow, I can't wait, for then our eyes are going to be fully opened. The I will see you.
Then, in that day, which I can already see from afar, ‘We’ will find relief from this wait, It won’t be late, neither will He!
I am curious as to why it is, that I have even done this examination of this Apostate material??
I said I would NOT produce this for consumption.
Either from God or Satanic elements, I'm not sure, but the results have been to make me firm for righteousness. Jesus said; "Keep on opposing the Devil".
As usual, I will keep a waiting attitude and see if This may have been to fortify me for an upcoming confrontation or test???? Whatever the reason this was "Allowed" may God's Will be done. I trust Him implicitly, all will be fine as long as I keep on the path.
Man in expectation :)
These 2 images are taken from the magazine in question.
It is interesting to me that the J.W.s. leadership is alleart enough to apply the scriptural application to the first century. Yet they ignore the fact that St Paul stated that the "End cannot come, unless the Apostasy comes first, and (They) the man of Lawlessness gets revealed". 2 Thes 2:3 At what point and to whom would they apply that. As they can't point the finger at Christendom, they already love to boast of their falling short. And Apostasy is "abandoning the way". If by their reckoning, they are God's Anointed and special possession, the only 'True' Apostasy can come from themselves.
Yes! Which has happened.
Notice too that they say among other questionable assumptions. They, Will shine brightly, as they themselves believe they alone are the faithful remnant who have the heavenly calling. Will be whisked away prior to Armageddon. Then; Why have your World Headquarters on Earth, if you are not going to be here. You Hypocrites, you squirreled away the money and properties you stole from the sheep of another man, to build and glorify your Idolatrous temple, not made by God's hand. And to who will it go???? Who then are the "Weeds"? Blind guides!
This next one gives me an uneasy feeling. I suspect it is supposed to be depiction the enthroned Jesus as He begins His conquest on "A white Horse", as Revelation describes. But this Image reminds me of some sort of spiritistic image from a fortune teller. Very arty and ultra creepy. Definitely not reassuring, or fill me with confidence in God's saving power.
The mash-up! "You must love Jehovah your God, with your whole Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and keep His Commandments. If you do, you will be wise enough to bypass any trial with ease, and have an indefinitely lasting name with The Living One. Those who fail to take these things to heart, will suffer shame and fall short in a large way, all that is his, will be destroyed and cease to exist.
You who love Him, however, will flourish with joy, under the tent cloths of Jehovah, always."
Ecc 12:13, Mark 12:30 and Ps 37:18-20.