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# 63, Strange Clouds & Time Portals?

Writer's picture: AnonymousAnonymous

Updated: Dec 10, 2024


Within this blog, I will show you some photo's that I have taken, unless I say that Any are not mine.

These are of some clouds that have caused me to begin to ponder many things. Maybe these mean something, maybe only some do! The more I consider the things I have written, in conjunction with the printed information that I have found in my time, produced by dedicated and "Faithful" men, and the things I perceive from God's word. I have come to conclude that these things just might be correct. There may well be scientific or other explanations for some of these observations.

I will discuss my thoughts on some of these things. Plus an event that changed my life, among other discussions.

Bible applications regarding clouds to follow.

These clouds are the photos I took of discs I saw in the sky, after a meeting at a Kingdom Hall of J.W.s. There were 12 of them in various sizes.

These were very significant to me! I mentioned these "Disc's", or clouds, in a previous Blog, in relation to them being possible evidence and an indicator to me personally, that the sealing of those who were to serve in heaven was then complete. The number in prophecy found in revelation being 144,000, and also described by the Lord Jesus as those "Who will sit on twelve thrones."

The number 12, in this case is also significant, as it coincides with the 12 tribes of Israel.

This event in the sky took place was around the time that the Apostasy was becoming more apparent to me among Jehovah's Witnesses. See my early blogs.

Also, these signs were indicating, to me at least, that the avenue for spiritual direction was no longer through God's faithful, Anointed, servants on Earth.

Instead, this was now being done from heaven alone, not just for the benefit of a congregation of the few, J.W.s. only, or any other religion, but it was the signal that "Every Tribe, Nation and Tongue" were now in the same boat. None above or below another, from which individuals and groups would be shepherded.

Though the Congregations of J.W.s. "Took no note" as these things were happening, just as Jesus said they wouldn't, to the false teachings, or to any of the other indicators.

That suggested they themselves had then been rejected as the channel through which God was using, through The Christ, and Holy Spirit. The Kingdom Good News had been accomplished and they had been thoroughly deceived.

This next photo is of a block letter C that I saw, on three separate occasions.

Twice in person and once on an episode of survivor, some years ago now.

The Host Jeff Probst, was standing on a beach with the contestants, there were trees to the right of screen, and the sea and sky to the left on that occasion.

I know this photo is quite grainy, it was taken on a very old phone.

Notice how the body of the 'C' has structure, if you were to cut a cross section, it is like a rectangular prism.

If my recollection is correct, each occasion, it was a block letter capital "C" that cut through the normal clouds, with a void around it. Which in my thinking is very peculiar.

I have witnessed this division between clouds on other occasions, which I also took photos of.

Some these I have included in this blog also.

This next ones are interesting also.

This one was some time later and it was still the same with the void and non mixing of clouds, as it approached the horizon some 3 hours later.

More clouds are throughout this blog

I don't know if airplane exhaust can do this. But it is very strange that the clouds refuse to merge.

Notice the disc type thingy at the bottom also?

This next image I plucked from offline. As I wanted something to point out a phenomenon in the clouds I have seen on a number of occasions.

Notice how the clouds are pressing down on top of the mountain, particularly the ones on the right hand mountain top?

I have seen the same thing, Clouds pushing down on an object, like an upside down dish or bowl. But the thing is, there was nothing under it to form the dishing beneath.

This is one Like I mentioned that seems to be resting on something, or concealing something within.

I have taken more recent photos that show it better , but can't find them.

To me these look like dished cloud's, like they are resting on an invisible mountain or U.F.O. or something.

This one is similar though resting on a cloud base.

This one I just liked.

This next one seems to have a slice in it! This again remained the same for quite some time. Weird that the cloud just doesn't merge, right?

More Clouds

Many clouds have caught my attention, not all clouds are used in this way, or are they?

But some stand out as different.

Take a look at these. This is a fair dinkum photo, weird looking hey?

This one is really out of place in an otherwise clear sky.

This one was a rain cloud, pretty much all alone, with a really low Bow.

This one was the only low cloud, it looked out of place in the sky.

These are some more random clouds like this next one that I suspect is a viewer window??

Often you see them like this, usually only one or so in the whole sky or amid a sky of only high clouds.

This previous one is similar to one I saw above a Christian sisters home.

On that day it was overcast and it was sitting really low over the town as I drove in, only a couple of hundred meters high I reckon. The only low cloud around and right above her house.

As I got closer and saw that it was over a Sisters house. I started to pull over so as to take a photo but it was as if they realized I was onto them, and it was gone in just seconds.

They saw me and from the time it took to pull over and get out it was gone, lol.

On another occasion, I was working on the rooftop of a commercial building, when I felt drops of rain. I looked around and the sky was clear, absolutely nothing. I was very confused.

I looked straight up and there was a single little cloud, similar to this one, above, raining on me. Really weird hey!

These next few I find curios also.

This is the only low cloud in the sky on this occasion.

Obviously, some of these may just be clouds. But they may very well be "signs in the heavens and on Earth".

Clouds that are peculiar, do not only show up on a fairly clear days. Often, others are there on an overcast day, with high cloud cover, and there will be one odd fellow loitering nearby.

Not always easy to spot, but there it is.

Others vanish and within seconds another appears just before the spot of the previous one. As if the wind blows them along the sky, so a new window is continually required for a good view of an area?

See if you can see any following you! And see if the smaller ones vanish in a few minutes when you show you see them. I suspect that this phenomenon is happening all over the globe and most don't know it. Or maybe I am bonkers lol.

Notice these ones, I took these just yesterday.

They appear to be wrapped around something, or at least their shape is as though when you see a cloud against a mountain.

This was 20 minutes later.

This was half an our or so later. A bit harder to see, but still holding a weird shape.

These next few were all in the same sky at once, notice they seem to be impeding on an unfamiliar territory.

One "Theory", Yes, theory, as I really do not know exactly which ones are important or have any other meaning, If any, other than being a simple cloud mass.

Is; that they MAY be some sort of 'time distortion'. If, as I suspect, Clouds, Sky or something are used as a window from the future. The barrier of space or air, between such clouds and The "Block letter C" ones, for example, are clouds or sections of sky from another time period, and, displacing all matter surrounding them. Especially the ones that hold the other clouds at bay for hours. Most peculiar indeed!

This was some sort of balloon? It was a Triangular Prism, It looked to be around @ meters square on each face.

This might look like a fun thing to do, but balloons are a real problem for the environment.

As most communities are coastal, these usually end up in the ocean or waterways. You can do your own research about the harm they do.

This one was just a nice sunset. Lol

Why Did I Start Looking Up?

My first experience with a strange or, at least unusual, sight in the clouds was about 30 years ago???

I was outside, obviously! And I saw a twister looking cloud, hanging from the bottom of a high, white cloud mass, and off to the bottom left hand side of it. was what looked like a twister.

It was sort of like this one. Though they were high clouds and not dark at all. There was blue sky behind the twister looking cloud, which was better formed than this one, something I had never seen before.

It wasn't very big or anything like that. It was high up but looked to be maybe something like 200-300 Meters tall? Hanging off of the main cloud cluster. I wanted to take a photo, especially for my brother, but nobody had a phone charged or a camera on hand, :(

It wasn't anything spectacular, but curious, nonetheless. That began my looking up for curiosities.

Bible application of Clouds

I do not know exactly the depth of importance of these things are, or will prove to be.

It does however bring to mind the words of Jesus when He said; "There will be signs in Sun and Moon, and Stars" In my mind, that can mean up, in the sky!

And a little further He said; "they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud". Luke 21:25-28.

This may prove to be a stretch. But the reality is, that for decades now, strange or unusual things have been taking place in the sky.

Acts 1:9,10 tell us also that Jesus was "lifted up, and a Cloud caught Him" and in verse 10 that "Jesus-will come in the same manner, as you beheld Him going into the sky".

Who saw Him "Lifted up"? Not all men did they? Only a few faithful ones who stuck with Him. Today, I expect a similar thing. Not all are really standing and 'watching', are they?

Most are too busy going about their lives. But, just maybe, we will see things others miss also.

This one is from the Apostate magazine I have mentioned. Notice the "Anointed" sealed ones who rule in heaven, are there prior to 'Armageddon!' In the Clouds. Among other things

No! Don't stand outside looking at clouds and getting nothing else done. If God needs you to see something, you will. Not that you should likewise be "looking for signs", but it would be wise as you go about your days to notice trends and things that may be indicators of things that should not be ignored. Remember, "God is not to be mocked, what a man is sowing, this he will also reap".

More clouds in God's Word to follow.

Are Clouds Windows or portals?

In the new system of things, under God's kingdom arrangement, or possibly shortly after the 1000 year rule. I perceive that individuals will be able to look back at the old system, which as of this day is under Satan's rule. I suspect the reason for looking back from the future is for educational and other purposes. Especially for those born under the New Edenic conditions to come.

These, and even we, may need reminders of how bad things are today, in opposition to God's love.

At the risk of sounding a bit like a mad man, I will explain further about the windows.

Some things I have previously written, tie in with this. I think I also wrote about this somewhere else, but not on the blog, I think?

Clouds and their use?

When I was a teenager, I went to visit a friend who had moved to another area a few hours away by train for work.

My friends and I, would occasionally take some mild drugs and regularly drink alcohol to excess when we were young.

This one friend asked me to travel by train to this visit him, along the way I stopped in at a Pub, to purchase what we soon realized were fake drugs, which did nothing.

Before this event

Now, some time, maybe a few months before this visit, I had a very vivid dream. In my dream I was in the future, and working on, what looked to me like a room among the outer buildings, off of the courtyard, of the House of Jehovah, a physical Temple, though not the same as the first.

It was situated on a high hill or small mountain, It could be seen from many locations around the region.

It was a temple, entirely built from cut stones, a new one for worship in my area, in the New System of things under Christ's rule.

There was a man working on building it, he was a very skilled stone mason and builder.

I suspect that he was resurrected in "the resurrection of the righteous", he also being someone from ancient times?

He couldn't speak English at all, but he would show me with gestures, as to what he wanted done.

He indicated I was to smooth out the large stone window sills.

He handed me, what looked like a granite block, black or dark grey, if I remember correctly. 

It fitted into the hand well, and he showed me to do a circular motion, starting from the top and working toward the edge, to smooth out the sandstone block, and begin to create a dishing on the sill, I think? It sloped away from the window towards the outside.

After a while of doing this work, I felt like I should go out of there, and head further into the temple area. The man saw me leaving, I put down the stone and as I walked out, he said nothing.

Like he knew what was happening.

I walked into another section, one of the outer courtyards of the Temple. It was an undercover area, with what looked like a large square and raised water trough, not sunken into the ground, all made of stone like the rest of the building works.

A 'Man' appeared before me, taller than me, with a solid, filled out build, an Angel I think.

He asked, "Why did it take you so long to come"? I think He is the one that has been assigned to help me the most, during my days.

For, I knew time was not an issue for my God in that day, so was inclined to wait. He though, was expecting me.

He put his arm around my shoulder. As his shoulder was the start of my head height, I felt a bit small. But he was comforting and warming to be around, I felt safe.

He led me through some sort of door, a Portal, into a room, it was all white, Glowing within itself. There was no light source.

He walked me over to a window and showed me a scene that was playing out before my eyes.

And, look, it was me! When I was a teenager.

My position in relation to all this, from where I was watching, was up in the sky, probably a couple of hundred meters above the pine tree grove beneath me. I think I was inside a cloud, it was all glowing.

The scene, as I was watching, went like this.

I was walking along a road with a friend, from when I was young, and then up a dirt track towards a tree at the top of a small hill.

This friend; over time turned out to not be a friend at all, except to himself.

There was a huge blackberry bush in front of the tree that spilled down the hill towards me a bit, and left of it, from the perspective of my position in the sky.

I walked along the road and turned up a track in a paddock with my friend towards the tree, I didn't look up, my eyes constantly cast down, nearly all the time as I walked etc.

My friend was trying to be a bit consoling, for I was behaving very sheepishly. I sat under the tree, on a rock or maybe a tree root, and before long, my friend got up and started scouting around the blackberry bush.

I said something to him, and pointed up over my shoulder to from where I was watching from in the sky, without looking up. I was sitting hunched over, with my back to my position in the sky.

I and my friend left shortly after this and I still would not look up.

But just as we got to walking along the road near the start of the tree line, I looked up at the sky in the direction from which I, in the future was watching from in my dream.

After this, the Angel or helper, my lord, led me to a white door that led off to another room saying; "This is only the beginning, You have much yet to see".

That is where the dream finished, I think!

The Fulfillment

Then, this now is what happened; a few months or so after the dream. I went to a pub near a train station and picked up some drugs, for my trip to visit my friend.

He was boarding with a family that he seemed to not want much to do with. He was even a bit arrogant and rude towards them, which I found unwholesome. He didn't even want me to get to know them, and he refused to spend time with them. Strange behaviour to me!

He wanted to take the drugs I had brought with me, we left the house, took them and the drugs didn't work, as they were fake.

So a little later he wanted to try something else, so we went for a walk.

We walked along this country road that I have never been down before, or at least I thought.

Then as I walked past a stand of tall pine trees on my right and I saw the scene that was coming into view. I instantly got chills and knew what was happening, and I sort of freaked out a bit.

I felt very uncomfortable and wanted to leave, but my friend kept on encouraging me to continue, as he was thinking about himself, and getting high.

We turned up this track towards, you guessed it, the tree on top of the hill. I said 'I really want to go!' But he refused.

The drugs that I had purchased we had already taken and they were fake. So my friend just wanted to do other drugs, as I mentioned. So he was keen to get somewhere he felt comfortable to take them.

We sat under the tree, and I knew I was watching from up above the trees. He took the drugs and I refused, I just wanted to go.

Then after a while, what did he do?

He jumped up after taking a small amount of drugs and said; "I'll bet there are rabbits in that blackberry bush", and exactly as in my dream, he began skirting around the bush, here and there.

I knew he would, I was waiting for it!

In the end I told him, I have to go! I explained the situation to him and he finally agreed to go. 

As we walked along the road I opened up further, and I told him what was going on, and about the dream.

He was surprisingly understanding, at least that's how it seemed at the time. And as we had almost passed the tree line. I just had to look up and point to the place in the sky that, I, was watching from.

Exactly as I saw in the dream, is exactly what happened. (Then that is where I began my journey of directing my own steps, in the past, from the future, so as to get things right.)

Interestingly, that WAS "the beginning" in 3 ways.

I stopped taking most drugs from that day onward. As I knew that was partly the reason for all that took place. Only, occasionally, I still used marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes. Even those I progressively cut off. Cigarettes was the hardest, I'm sure The Holy Spirit helped with that.

You may be wondering, why would I have done such a thing as taking harmful things that could do me no good?

Basically, I usually made my own choices, I was not one to follow the crowd with such choices, but Physiological, I, like most, was damage. Add to that depression, and a lack of self respect, and love for myself, I think could be high on that list of reasons.

Not only that, but by not knowing my God and Father enough, and no solid friendship with Him didn't help me set boundaries. And not knowing just how important, I and we are to Him, I had not true north.

I knew God existed and that Jesus was also real, but I simply had not begun to put the pieces together, so as to benefit myself yet.

The final time I drank to excess, was not too many years later. My oldest daughter, who was then a toddler, needed help to use the bathroom, and be put back into bed.

I could barely stand up straight, leaning on the wall. "How ridiculous", I thought, "if I can't even help my little ones when they need me, then what good am I"?

So I cut down on alcohol, and before long, just didn't bother with it again.

So the events on the hill were the beginning of my getting my life under control. And further learning about self discipline.

The second way it was the beginning, I began to be drawn by God, toward holiness and righteousness in my walking with Him.

The Third way; it was the beginning was, although this event takes place in the future, the affects on my life of this interaction between , Me in the future, and Me in the present, became more earnest.

The Angel on that occasion, as he led me to other situations in my life after this, after we left that Time Portal; those I cannot fully recall.

From that event and time, I began to receive a more focused guidance in my daily life from God.

I will try to explain; As I went through my days, I saw things and had nudging, to guide me to the maturity I needed, to hopefully get it right.

It was the 'beginning' of my "Journey' to finding myself and picking myself up. More importantly, in preparation for service of the One I will always love, so that I can always have a clear conscience before Him. My God and My Father, with eternal thanks to Him.

He has been leading me on to the love and my reward that awaits me, as of this day.

Though time is relative, in my heart, I'm already there. All this leading has helped me know that my God loves me so much, and that He has full confidence in me and I am in His future.

It was 'the beginning' also in that, I began from that time to stop ignoring the pull of my heart in search for answers, for truth, and for God.

This also has been a graduation of steps. Not too much for me!, every step of the way.

The first time I came into contact with Jehovah's Witnesses, I happened to be at the friends home of the friend in the dream.

He wanted to leave as they were in his home talking to his dad. I felt an immense pull as we left and I said, I wanted to go back. "Nah, they are just Bible basher's" he said. Interestingly, none of my friends or family have searched for Jehovah.

From time to time in my life, people would say things or things would happen that caused me to pause in my course and make straight paths for my feet.

For example, Around the early 1980's, the trend took a hold among our friends to say "Oh my god", allot.

I said it when about 17 years old, for the first time, just the once! Someone turned to me and said; "Are you saying that too now?" Never saying it to any others, only me, very peculiar I thought.

Things like this stood out as instruction or discipline on how to progress in my days. Like a whisper behind me saying; "This way".

Other times, also, instances where all would be engaged in an activity, but someone would say; "Are you doing that too?" Again, not to anyone else?

It was like God, through others was telling me that I was not to just follow the crowd, but I should accept that I was to be different from the norm, and watch where I put my steps so as to become useful to Him.

Even people would do odd things that stood out to me, like an echo calling from the future, keeping my heart focused on the things to come, more than on the pressures or pain of the day.

It worked! Even during the toughest times of depression, I found myself looking forward.

That is why the suggestions I have made in all these blogs, Like "Turn the Page", are heartfelt, I have been there too.

I have endured much, not as much as many, but by turning the page and always looking forward I got through, with God's help, so can you.

In fact I have had many, many days and occasions, when things happen that I have dreamed before,

Or maybe these things were pre-uploaded into my memory??? Even entire days.

Whenever this happened, I would simply look at it as though things are on track. For worrying about whether or not I have done what I was meant to, or of what was coming etc, would be counterproductive.


Two days ago, another strange event took place.

I was visiting my elderly parents, and my Mum began telling me some random story about container's in the top of her cupboard. "I got the salt container down and opened it, and these keys were in it!" Then both my parents, paused, and looked at me in a peculiar way, and mum said. " I don't know what the keys are!".

I looked at them saying, " these ones, (3) look like they are padlock keys, I'm not sure about the other. She gave them to me. I said I would give the things attached to it to my oldest daughter as she could put them on her keys, as she only has a single key to her car, and may lose it.

Later I was looking at the other key, when it dawned on me, this key was the key to my very first car. A 64 model Volkswagen Beetle. This car was part of some enjoyable times, but was continually a thorn in my side.

It had electrical problems and often refused to start. 'I hated that car'!, which in particular is partly the reason I hate all cars. Yes, they get you from A to B, but at the end on the day they are just scrap metal and a cog in the machine of Satan's world.

This was the car that I had worked for 4 years saving up for, yet it was the first of many things in my life that always seemed to go wrong.

Was there significance to this being given my old keys? Is it a sign that things will change?

Change began

Yesterday just after I was given the keys, 3 long time battles against other things that always went wrong, were won. A very rare thing for anything to be 'a win' for me!

  1. A neighbor has a tree that was planted by rental tenants that will impact my fence, landscaping and the sewer and storm water lines for the entire street.

    For 2 years I have been battling with the rental property real estate agents, and government authorities, to get it moved or removed before it became a big issue, for many. I originally wanted to transplant it to a more suitable location in their yard.

    I finally made some sort of contact with the property owner through the agent. Their reply, " we will wait", "wait for what"? I asked.

    My final ditch effort was to inform the 57 neighbours that are in danger of being impacted by way of letter, hoping that the attention on the issue by others, might be enough to get a hearing ear.

    I placed them in all the letter boxes and the final one was the rental property where the tree in question is located. A man knocked on my door, just 30 minutes after I done this.

    He explained that he now owns the property and he was fine with it being removed as he to could see the problem. Weird, the battle appears to have stopped entirely! It was suddenly over!

  2. Another battle was with a company who was delinquent about honoring a warranty issue. For 10 months I have been running around in circles and pushed from pillar to post. Being promised action and none eventuated. Then yesterday, the same day, I received a phone call from the technician who said. " We now can't get the replacement part for the unit, (because they took so long, the part was no longer available) so we are give you a full replacement. Hey? That shocked me too.

  3. I have mentioned on occasion about my medical issues. A government authority was my best option for assistance with help I require at times.

    It took so long for anyone to help get my applications in, but finally, some progress. I was waiting for a response. None came. I rang and left messages. No reply. I attended the office of the provider. Still no action. Then, yesterday, the same day, after over a year and out of the Blue.

    The man that I haven't been able to contact or has not contacted me rang. " Your application was forwarded to the wrong department, (typical for me) we now have it, and we just need to ask some questions to finish up the application, and it will be backdated to when the office first received it."

    That's Three wins in one day. The day after my parents handed me my keys from 40 years ago. Does this mean that all the burdens I have been carrying and the battles I have had to fight will become victories? Probably not as things still go wrong in Satan's system.

    Maybe it's symbolic and " I am now driving my own car?" So to speak.

    I will see how things go over the coming week etc?? Very curious indeed.

So, what could have brought about this change?

I have a theory, based on scriptural evidence of prophecies that have, and are being fulfilled, right now. Other than the Great Tribulation (the destruction of our own future along with life on Earth) and the evidences in the congregations of God.

The Kingdom Good News has been preached and the Apostasy has been accomplished, God's Word says; "Then the End WILL come", that being the case, "The End" is due.

So, prophecy is indicating that the timing is there for change.

Maybe the time has come for My God to free me up from some burdens, that could hold me and others back in the future.

And, or, and possibility more likely, just last week I wrote an apology letter to a shop attendant who I know as being a conscientious worker that tries hard to please the customers.

I have for some time now been noticing that my ability to be long suffering at times is waning. Struggling with keeping my focus, and at times, my cool, when things are getting difficult.

I don't know if this is due to dementia coming on, or my neurological disorders or something else. But in the letter, I explained how those not having the "mark of the beast" would do it tough.

Maybe God knows that I am not able to cope like I used to.

He does promise, "Not to tempt us beyond what we can bare".

Being a punching bag for so long a time, and feeling like something to be ridiculed, for Satan or someone else's pleasure, is too much for me now. God knows.

Whatever is good in His eyes', let it take place.

Maybe in some way the keys represent my having been given more control. I'm in the driver's seat, so to speak? Or possibly a combination of these???

What I would hope the keys represent.

That the three arm's of world wide religion, Islam, Christianity and the rest, will all be guided back to a singular brotherhood, back to God, as was available before the confrontation of Babel.

With oneness of purpose goal and worship, with spirit and truth and all speaking the language of Love.

Clouds in God's word.

In the book of Apocalypse or Revelation, it describes "Four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth, holding tight the four winds". Rev 7:1. This is usually depicted by the Brothers, in this way.

I find it curious that the Angels are above the clouds, just like my dream.

I expect the Storm clouds "represent the destruction element", described in Revelation, caused by heavy weather. These Angels are "Holding back" the judgment that is coming. Which also fits with the point that the Angels help us. Also that Maybe, Jehovah does not even have to be in the present to execute judgments.

This one is depicting Jesus and the 144,000 who join Him in Judgement Day.

This is showing Jesus raising up to Heaven. These are taken from the "My Book of Bible Stories" publication.

This one also is a typical artistic representation of Jesus and the Angels in the clouds. Though this one is a bit dark in feeling, it is from the Apostate Era of J.W.s.

There is another account from God's Word that I find a bit curios that ties in with this.

Recall that before "the flood", "The sons of God, began to notice the daughters of men"?

This led to many abandoning their service and being tempted by Satan in rebellion.

When this is depicted in art form, the Angels that sinned are usually watching on from the clouds.

Which leads me to another observation; "The first century Christian Congregations were warned about "Offending the Angels". How?

Of course Women are equally loved by our Father, but have different responsibilities.

If a Woman, was to speak in a congregation meeting, so as to instruct a man, "She was to wear a head covering. 1 Cor 11:10. I don't think this means when talking to or explaining something to a man or even children. But if in an official capacity, and especially when capable men are present, it is probably the course of wisdom to take the advice. On account of the Angels who themselves are aware of their own limitations.

That being the case, and considering, the last two points of the Angels watching and the head-covering issue. That could also indicate the need for us all to be mindful of our actions when out of doors.

For example, King David, obviously not an angel, was tempted by "Bathsheba's" washing herself in view of the kings house.

Whatever her reasons for having her wash area in view of the king, or his not turning away. Obviously both found the situation too much to resist, leading to further calamities.

The point is, the "eyes are the windows to the soul". If we don't see it we are neither offended, nor tempted. And if we have self control and quickly block these things, they will quickly be dampened.

I am just thinking, and I suspect this would have God's approval. That any activity that is undertaken of between marriage mates on personal occasions, in the outdoors, etc.

Should be arranged before had in a specific prayer. If not, keep it in the privacy of your home.

Or possibly some women enjoying down time to swim together might keep the Angels in mind.

I know I would not want to offend an Angel, they are my Brothers and Guides. Besides, they stand before God, I would hate to think I was the cause of their bad mood being noticed.

Regarding Clouds as portals, I know it would be strange if their was a cloud in the corner of every meeting place, and I believe Angels can be present and not seen. But maybe too, they can view from afar or even from the future by means of another type of portal???

My Journey

The following is not to just talk about myself, But to hopefully get you to examine your life and see, if maybe, you too have been led to where you are today.

I grew up in a family that seamed to have a bit of a curse. If something could go wrong, it probably will, unless you do it yourself.

Growing up in an area that seamed to have it share of predators, Myself and my siblings were instructed how to identify these and ALWAYS be wary.

Add to the mix the mistrust of religion on account of the Church's record, even a search for God was bound to be considered.

Once, when I was a young married man with a young family, I was approached by Jehovah's Witnesses, and offered a Bible study, although the man said many things that, to me that I didn't understand, I had this feeling as though I was being drawn by God, I just had to say yes!

I studied for many years, way longer than most would. Many found in the preaching work would start a study, and due to pressures of family or the realisation that "this will take personal changes", most stop.

I was different, I was like a congregation football. I'm a slow learner and, one would leave the area, another brother took over. Just like a football. I also studied many Bible Study Books, usually 1 or 2 would be plenty if a person was going to progress, not me, I even went over one publication twice.

Ones would ask me, "Are you going to attend the meeting"?

Or "Are you getting Baptized?" I would reply; "I will do it if I'm ready, not when you are".

It took me something like 5 years to reach the point that I was comfortable enough to be Baptized.

While this was all happening I said to myself and to others; "They will only have to tell me something that is, not scriptural, not logical, or tell me just one lie, and I will have nothing to do with them". Jehovah, through His Angelic channel, kept me moving forward with my education.

Even taking on responsibilities took time and much effort. Things that were easy for others, for me, was extremely hard. Preaching from door to door was a challenge at first, but I love meeting people, and the beauty I had found in God and His word made it easy to talk about, so that was good.

Though not all people in this system are kind, for whatever reason.

Joining the "Theocratic ministry school, where I was to read a section of the Bible or give a talk like "Public speaking", was very hard for me, with my Neurological and social issues.

But all the while, I felt Jesus or The Holy Spirit nudging me gently forward, so that I made progress though I never took on more than I could handle.

On one occasion I was asked to help the brothers by giving my experience before an assembly day program. A peculiar request as the Assembly was for a different region to mine and among congregations I was not familiar?

Thousands were there, I was so nervous for weeks leading up to the day. But when It arrived, I had already practiced myself silly, and had accepted this was going to happen.

I drove there and found I wasn't as scared before the part as I expected I would have been, but a little nervous, not as much as even at a meeting I was attending. I enjoyed the program, even knowing what was coming.

But it was soon time, as I put my foot on the first step, onto the stairs, leading up to the stage, something remarkable happened. My heart felt like it was physically being held in the palms of two warm hands.

I got through my part on the program, or, should I say, Holy Spirit from The Almighty did, I should say, and I learned the biggest lesson that day. If you trust Jehovah, and do your best, He will take care of any lack you may have.

My growth from the man I was, til that day was noted by one in the audience in particular. It was one Brother who was the second of the many that did my Bible Studies with me.

He said, "Its like seeing, A mild person turned into a powerful man". Not his exact words, but similar in meaning. As His words I don't want to repeat.

A couple of years later the Apostasy had already become obvious to me with the J.W. organisation at this point, these new ones who love the seat of power were quick to lift the skirt and prove their unfaithfulness with the first passerby, but instead of walking away, I just had to see how far they would go.

The very weekend after they taught in the World Wide Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses that Jehovah was a master manipulator and bully. Which I just knew would be accepted as if from above, as it was.

I had a medical episode with neurological side effects. This I was able to honestly relay to the brothers, which meant I never had to be exposed as "A Goat" or "Disfellowshipped" as an unfaithful Brother and stripped of my standing, and have my faith in my Lord or my God ever brought into question.

This may seem odd to you. I had said that I would leave if "They tell me just one lie, something unscriptural or illogical". Correct!

But like the Lord Jesus, to have my deep love for My God thrown against a wall like manure for all to see, may have been too much for me. Thus my Father, "Who never lets me be tempted beyond what I can bare" once again carried me in His bosom. Like a Shepheard does a young lamb.

As in most faiths, God expects those taking the lead to "Tenderly care for the sheep", in particular, "Those scattered about" and "Not fairing well". After the evidence was thoroughly abundant that the Wicked One was now pulling the strings, My God, my saviour, gave me a way to leave without having my faith brought into question.

I still have had no shepherding call from the Brothers, more than a decade on.

A requirement and regulation for those appointed in the congregations. Those like me are supposed to be called upon for encouragement to make sure we are alright, to be built up spiritually and with prayer, and encouraged to engage with them in meetings etc.

Although they seem to pick and choose who gets their time, if at all, even though I too was an appointed man, no contact. Non of those who know me, have stood at my door.

It's like Jehovah has kept me shielded from them also. For what purpose, I'm not sure. Maybe to give me a clearer mind to learn from Him?? Possibly to get all these thing down in writing for you.

If they did come, if I spoke at all, they would find out my stand for God, rather than men.

I would then be labelled a "Goat" and "Dis-fellowshiped from the congregations". Not that their judgement amounts to much if anything in the eyes of the Lord Jesus, the head of the congregation.

But, still, being labelled a liar and more importantly an Apostate who lacks faith in my God. That would not sit well with me, I feel. True or not. My Father knows my heart.

Besides, IF that day comes, It will all be O.K., My God will see to it that no matter how stressful, or upsetting. He has trained me to stand. And If I should stumble for a moment, He will help me up!

Over my time walking with the "Brothers and Sisters, I found most were trying to do their best. Others the Hypocrisy and the attitudes of some that inevitably excluded some, was tolerable.

Just as I expect would be similar in every faith.

Once the current leaders of the organization took over, and rejected the warnings from "The Faithful and Discreet Slave", these became "The Man Of Lawlessness" and took up Judas position.

Also, once the congregations flourished in following them, they officially became "The Workers of Lawlessness". Also, they too had been warned, even by me, to the extent I could. See my earlier blogs, among others for details, re, J.W.s.


I have likewise noticed that in all my days I have had to fight to accomplish things. Nothing ever comes easy, for me or my children. This fight I think is as described in Revelation that those without the "Mark of the beast, would not be able to buy or sell".

This too has proved to be a blessing, for along with the "Good" I have learned to expect and accept the "Bad" and be keeping on the watch and pressing forward.

Even the occasions when I could have died. Like when I drowned for example; Yet I remained calm during the whole thing, like a Helper was with my mind.

All these things, along with heartfelt prayers and accurate Bible Knowledge have buoyed me up as I have gone through my days. Knowing that God see's our days and all are accounted for, what should I fear, for He was, is, and will always be with me.

I also felt nudging and training to help me to learn "Stickatitness".

When my parents, who always seemed, would have some 'urgent' job that needed doing, around home, or fencing, or whatever, would expect me to help. More often than not, my brothers and sister would "Beg off", leaving me, and occasionally my friend, to spend many days doing jobs and missing out on "Time doing whatever I wanted".

It only seemed that they always wanted help with something. Although, being young and likely immature, I was probably just chafing, that I wasn't doing what I wanted.

But actually it likely helped curb my getting up to mischief also.

Also, my parents were not wealthy, so pocket money was almost unheard of, although certainly not poor, mum kept a firm grip on the purse strings.

When I was 11, turning twelve, I got a job doing a paper run. weekday afternoons and Sunday mornings. It didn't pay much, I would earn as much on the Sunday run, as I would doing the entire weeks afternoon run.

My goal, over the next 4 years, was to save up enough to buy a cheap car, once I left school.

This job had to be done in all sorts of weather, from pouring rain to extreme heat. I learned if a job has to be done, the sooner you start it then it's finished sooner. And do it right and see the benefits.

My brothers and sister did this also. And yes! by the time we all left school we had enough for a car.

This "Stickatitness" s on a school camp! We had camped out over night with our food cooked over an open fire. The next day, a number of us were asked to wash the blackened pots and pans.

This "Stickatitness", was to be tested when I was about 14 years old.

One by one the others drifted away, one stuck around for a while, but he soon, 'just nonchalantly walked away'! Once the teacher came back after a LOOONNNG time, it felt like hours, till I was the last one left. The teacher, gave me a peculiar look, like he was surprised I had just Kept On Going, even after all others stopped. Not long after He said I was to stop.

Other things also like this I think helped mold me for service of my Lord.

Although it would have been nice to have more "Me Time". But the working from a young age and helping, even when others refused, has taught me personally, to "Keep Going"! And appreciate the value of hard work and the satisfaction of a job well done. And of course the necessary celebration it deserves. Lol.

Not that I am trying to talk myself up at all. But I suspect that you too have had nudges during your lifetime. I think it is what we choose to follow, or not.

God never said life would be easy, did He? But the glory that I long to see is greater than all the trials I have seen or can Imagine. Everything, Yes! Everything, is going to be O.K.

That is why all these things are but a whisper, and a fading shadow. For the reward that God gives, "Everlasting life" is real, and everlasting. ALL else is "Momentary and light".

Not that I welcome or enjoy hard times, they do however sharpen the focus.

Yes! God is judging you ever forward, are you willing to be guided by Him. Listen, what is He telling you, That you can do it? That you will be a tool in His right hand for righteousness? You will be, and more, listen to the Spirit!

So, What is The Point of All This in Relation to The Clouds Etc?

I perceive that God allows ones (Angels and people) from the future, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to gaze on, and even at times, interact with us, in the past. To help us make our feet firm on the path of the future and towards salvation. And, also, for instruction of those to come. 

Clouds I suspect, have a role in this, dreams also at times.

Whether this is also what Paul was alluding to at 1 cor 4:9, I do not know for certain, but it sounds logical that it may be. He said in part; "For we have become a spectacle to the world, both to Angels, and to Men."

I expect it is not only from the clouds this happens. Why, the Angels, and the ones have recounted that helped them, may in fact be your friends, family and even yourself from the future.

Not that Angel's are of no account. They are in a very large way the reason we exist today.

They, like our Big Brother, Jesus, strive shoulder to shoulder with Him, for us, all our days.

May they receive a large reward and eternal thanks.

Also; these things are to educate and remind ones in the future of the struggles, we today, deal with, The results of separation from the Living God and life itself as we fall further into our dying condition, things foreign to them.

And to also remind, even ourselves, of our record of faithful service, and to appreciate the "Journey" and lengths, we and all others have gone through, so as to never slide backwards but to have a firm hope for the future.

Not to mention a reminder always of the depth of Love The Living One, has always had for us.

Life can be very difficult at times. Jesus' directions to "keep in expectation" and "keep on the watch". Whatever be falls you. Keep on seeking truth, with your eyes open.

The kingdom of God, only has one currency, "Love" and only functions for those seeking righteousness, with God's blessings.

Printed information from "The (Real) Faithful and Discreet Slave" On Clouds Etc.

The following is from the Insight on The Scriptures, Vol 1 & 2.

Many of the points highlighted in these, seems to give weight to what I have been saying.

"Clouds", often are more than just clouds. Curios and yet at the same time, fascinating.

What Do You Think?

That section suggested we go to the Heading "Mist", maybe you can glean something from this?

The next section "Heaven" I thought 'could' have application also.

One that jumps out at me, is the section under the subheading "the Cloudy Skies."

I will be honest, I have not read through all this information that I have scanned in.

It is possible that for you in the new system of things under Christ' rule, that some of this may have been clarified.

The Transfiguration

I just had a little help I think. It popped into my head about the transfiguration.

That is what the faithful Brothers called the account at Matthew 17. In it, Jesus is "Transfigured" before his disciples.

I will try to scan the section for you.

Notice from verses 1-9. They "saw Moses and Elijah conversing with Him". That wasn't a vision.

It was a transfiguration. They were seeing an event, far into the future. How do I get to that conclusion?

Well, the scriptures clearly say that we are to consider those asleep in death as, " conscious of nothing", and as with the Lazarus account, "Sleeping". Ecc 9:5, John 11:11-16.

So, for Jesus to be talking to the two faithful servants of God, it must be a scene from the future and in new system of things. John 11:25. It can't be in Heaven as Moses and Elijah died prior to the ransom being paid and therefore did not qualify for Heavenly life. John 11:11.

As the Heavenly calling was first offered to Jesus' faithful, disciples. Luke 22:28-30.

Especially considering the fact that Jesus appearance changed as it did. He was likely, as He will appear, in His Kingdom Power and glory. What a thrill to have been there and seen that.

see also He 2:1-10, Acts 3:23, Deut 18:15.

Also; I find it curious, that within the cross reference bar, located on the right hand side of the text, under the letter h. Relating to the section, "This is my Son, The beloved, whom I have approved", we find other scriptures referring to the prophetic truth that Jesus Is God's Son.

However; there are no cross reference points after the word cloud?

Is this because this was not inspired of God to be done at that time? Til now?

I don't understand. As I have provided in this piece, there are many references to clouds, and many, that tie in with this very text. So, why not include them?

What I am alluding to is that, this event, of The Transfiguration, was to me achieved via an actual time portal. I expect that the other occasions within God's Holy writings that mention God's voice or such likely align with this event and my statement. You do some research, what do you conclude? Notice also that on the occasion of 'the Transfiguration', "A cloud" again was involved.

Very interesting indeed. "Oooh" this all is very grand.

I feel a bit bad, I have gone on about cross references in the Bible, allot in my blogs.

The reality I have just found out that a lot of Bibles don't have this feature. Not one other translation on my bookcase has this feature. Maybe some in storage do, I will take a look one day.

That to me is a bit sad. I realize that it would take a lot of time and effort for Bible translators and producers to add this feature. But for me it has been a great help. Any scriptures that are spoken of in any other Bible book or in the same one, that touches on a related text is made available for extra research.

That being the case, when you read a scripture that grabs your attention you can look all over God's word and get further clarification and even the source prophecy for example, that inspired the fulfillment. For example the multitudes surrounding Jesus as Messiah.

The section I have added surrounding the "transfiguration" is full of these examples. I hope I can get my Bible uploaded for you. It really is great "for setting things straight, that the man of God may be fully competent and completely equipped for every good work", 2 Tim 3:17 etc.

I just checked on Google re cross references and there are quite a few that have this feature. Concerning Mt 17:5 a number send you to other texts in God's word re the Son. But none that I could see re cloud's. Some that came up are, NIV, KJV, NLT, NKJV, NRSVue.

Maybe you have access to one of these.

The Transfiguration a Marvel

In fact Peter and the others felt the same way I do about this event. Looking at Peter's 2nd letter chapter 1:19, when cross referenced, this is talking about this very event. His glimpse into the future, changed his life. He said; " Consequently, we have had the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until a Daystar rises in your hearts." 2 Pet 1:19.

His confidence was made firm by this one glimpse of Christ's glory, and the future for him and all.

It was for him, a lamp in a dark place. He had no fear of the night or of unseen threats.

We too can be confident that the "Daystar" will rise. The new day is approaching, it is almost dawn. Can you see the first rays of light touching the skin of the ghost gum?

I can, the night is well along and soon all will come into the light.

Do yourself a favor and look up " The Bright Morning Star." What or who is this?? Job 38:7??

Rev 2:28?? Rev 22:16?? :)

The faith of those who beheld this event was bolstered. But the thing that must have been ultra exciting, it would have been for me at least.

Jehovah Himself spoke from " a Cloud". That would be great to hear.

Now, Jehovah was not there at that time. For the Bible tells us that He is Holy. He has nothing to do with anything unclean. Even in Heaven, you can't just go up to Him. Rev 4:6b-8, another place mentions no-one can approach the throne of The Almighty if unclean! I just can't find it now.

So my conclusion is that, again, He spoke to them as He did with Moses and others, by a time portal of some sort.

In that way, He could give the encouragement and reassurance in the presence of the men, without physically being in Satan's unclean world. Nothing is impossible to Him, Mark 10:27.

Also another point at Heb 11:5 tells us that " by faith Enoch was transferred" this fits with what I have been saying too. That, at death, faithful ones, and those Jehovah sees something good in, are transferred through time. Time travel.

Col 1:3 also says about being "Transferred us into the kingdom". 1 Cor 15:50-57 likewise ties in nicely with this statement. "In the twinkling of an eye" Those with the Heavenly calling are transferred from life, to life. From a body decaying, of flesh. To one of power and spirit with life everlasting to pursue.

These following scriptures are from the concordance that goes with the New World Translation, with References. The Original that is.

I suggest that when you look these up that you also use the "Cross References" in relation to these.

You can do this for hours and still find fascinating points.

If you have access to the reference Bible I use, or even one that is also reliable and without underlying leanings, look up texts surrounding Heaven and associated words in the concordance.

The Comprehensive concordance is best.

I will seek help myself, to try and download these and other publications that I have recommended onto this site. I believe they are available from

Of course, this is the website for the Apostate organization of today. But many older books are now apparently accessible in P.D.F. format through this site, so I am told.

The books I have recommended are: You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Pay Attention to Daniels Prophecy, New world translation With References (Not the new one, the Grey Ghost) The Complete concordance that goes with it. And Insight on the Scriptures Vol 1&2.

These publications are a good foundation for building your faith on accurate knowledge. From there, for me anyhow, faith in God is easy. Especially after the Daniel book, WOW what an eye opener that is.

Considering all these things;

It seems plausible to me that Jehovah could and would use clouds, as portals, among other things, to interact with mankind. Helping from a distance, while Satan digs his grave even deeper. For Jehovah would not assist Satan in any way.

So, if you have felt the pain of losing a loved one or felt and seen the suffering of this world, rest assured that Jehovah is NOT responsible, He is aware of your pain, but will help us get up again, with a fresh start, a new Eden, under paradisaic conditions, so as to erase the hurt "Satan, the Looser" has caused.

Considering the fact, also, that Satan, "The ruler of this world" is left to go about make his poor decisions, so as to try to prove his ruler-ship. Jehovah would not assist him to get things right, would He?

But, it seems logical, that from a future point in time, Angel's or Michael Himself or others, could and would give us the needed "Assistance", not "Interference", to help us keep our steps on the path that leads to our Father and everlasting life.

This He could do from any point in time, from which, and where, Satan can do absolutely nothing about it.

In the book of Daniel it mentions that Satan "Tried to change times and seasons", himself.

And respecting King Saul, By means of a "Medium" Satan tried to predict the future.

He got some things right, but not all. He is no match for God.

No wonder My Father is referred to as "O' Eternal", and His wisdom, power and Love are matchless.

It's a great thing for us, that He "Is Love". Such power in the hands of an adversary would be disastrous. Thank Jehovah you peoples, He Definitely "is Good". Who is like my God?

It really is futile for Satan to even attempt to beat the Living One. Even 'if' Satan thinks he is "All That". He is deluding himself.

When my brain worked better, I used to be able to interact with those in my dreams much more than today. When I am asleep, it's like I'm awake. When I'm awake, it's like I'm asleep. It is very tiring, and draining.

I have seen many from the future in my dream time, and had many run inn's with the Demon's, and possibly Satan.

It was interesting how, those in my dreams would be replaced by the demons at dawn or at new moon, would often bring with it change, or visa versa.

Last night, from sunset on it was like another shift to bad took place. All night I dreamed about Mafia types hunting me, Etc. Changes from good to bad, bad to good on differing occasions.

It is as though they are like night and day, good and bad. Never mixing, always a breath from each other, but never meeting. If that makes sense!

When I was more alert, I would ask questions and have conversations with ones. Even asking,

"Do you have a message from Jehovah for me?" Sometimes they would ignore my questions, other times they would vanish. Once or twice they answered.

But I have no idea what they said now? I just can't remember, I know I used to be able to. Oh well!

On one occasion I recall, I was questioning Satan? Maybe. He was boasting and being a bit arrogant if I recall correctly. But I said to him; "What about Jehovah?"

He snapped back, with a haughty tone. "he is but a boy!".

When I think of that today, these years later, and in comparison to all this.

He, Satan, thinks of Jehovah, as a do many in this day who consider those beneath them, as a "wimp". 'Why be scared of him, He has done nothing to stop me till now', so to speak.

So arrogant are these stupid ones they have deluded themselves into the thinking, "Why, all things are exactly the same as always", And "look at all I have done now".

Time is irrelevant to the Creator of all things. He knows exactly how things WILL turn out though, unlike Satan, who is so full of himself.

Oh, another thought. Do you recall the account in the Bible where God's prophet said; "There are more with us than with them". And the eyes were opened and the man could see the armies of Jehovah? Where was that? I just looked it up 2 Kings 6:16-17.

It said "the mountain was full of horse and chariots of fire". I think when seeing this discussed by the Brother's, they showed the Horses etc in clouds flowing down onto the surface of the mountain sides. ??? I wonder if this too is linked somehow?

I suspect God's interactions with men subsided somewhat, after Jesus ministry, and the completion of the Bible, compared to Pre-Christian times.

Which must have been devastating for many during "the dark Ages", when the church shut off access to God's word. How bad that was, robbing people of the joy of hope based on promises from the heart!

Many thanks to God, the Angel's and all those of mankind who gave their all so the Word of God could once again be a guiding light.

I hope in some way this information also helps you, as it has me. Knowing that we are never alone, even if we are lonely and doing it tough. Jehovah is our helper, of what should we fear?

My future and yours is in His hands.

Ones from the future, even yourself, may well be nudging you in your life towards a better tomorrow. And a better you!

So try to perceive what the Spirit is telling you, or leading you towards. If a path is good and in harmony with God's word and will then it surely can't be bad.

May God's love be upon your heart, always.

I serve my God because He loves me and recommends Himself to me through His care and encouragement. He is never cruel or holds a grudge. He is patient and ready to forgive. Faster by far than I ever forgive myself.

Imitate Him and look for the good in others and be joyful in these, just as He is you.

How marvelous and beyond comprehending are Jehovah's way. I'm sure we have many more things to be revealed. As we are ready for them!

Man in awe inspiring expectation:)

I would appreciate your thoughts. Though, please be kind, I'm not bullet proof.

The mash-up! "You must love Jehovah your God, with your whole Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and keep His Commandments. If you do, you will be wise enough to bypass any trial with ease, and have an indefinitely lasting name with The Living One. Those who fail to take these things to heart, will suffer shame and fall short in a large way, all that is his, will be destroyed and cease to exist.

You who love Him, however, will flourish with joy, under the tent cloths of Jehovah, always." Ecc 12:13, Mark 12:30 and Ps 37:18-20.


I just spoke of changes in the Blog Personal Notes for this date.

In it I referred to this cloud.

Can you see the section of cloud that looks like a soring Dragon with the dense section in front that looks like fire or a projectile or something. Weird hey!

This next one looks like the ones I have seen in the past that look like they are resting on something.

I didn't take this one. It was posted on line by someone in my neighbourhood.

Cool hey!

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