I think this section is called a Bibliography??? Possibly an Index, or Directory???
Anyway, I will try to give a bit of a guide as to some information within these writings.
The information within these blogs, to the best of my abilities, are factual and for the most part, scriptural based. Although I have highlighted J.W.s., Israel, and touched on Islam, the things written are in no way to be taken as my judgement upon any person, group or religion.
I well know the warning " Stop Judging", for I am far from perfect.
I have my own inclinations that drag me down, I dare not judge another.
The things written are intended to inform and be a historical reference so that such deviation from the Truth according to God, either, to the right, or to the left, but to assist in smoothing out any obstacles and stumbling blocks for us to move towards perfection. Blessed by God and adopted as son's and daughters, with thanks always and everlasting life as our goal.
Christians in the first century were in a large way the minority and considered to be of no account.
Similarly, Jehovah's Witnesses considered themselves to be a Beacon, of spiritual truths. Determined to "Prove themselves Holy", set apart by God, to be used by "The Lord Jesus" to fulfill His will in declaring the Kingdom Good News, God's mercy, and the "Acceptable year to mankind. They were often quick to slap the cheek of Christendom, but have joined the ranks themselves of the Nations, by "Teaching the thoughts of men, as doctrine".
When reading these Blogs, you will frequently come across a word or so like "Jerusalem above", with semi-colons, it usually is a Bible reference. In some instances it is a statement by others or myself.
Some sections focus more heavily upon the actions of the Jehovah's Witness organisation and my experiences while associated with them. Others are more general for consumption. I will mark each Blog as J.W. inspired or General.
I am especially buoyed in particular by many of the earlier blogs, and the ones towards the end of these writings. Others also I have personal input so as to encourage you on your path with forward momentum.
As to which ones are especially useful to you or have the Lord's special approval, I do not know.
May you too, be lifted up, for righteousness, and in appreciation for all our Father has and is doing for us. You personally have limitless potential, may you seek it with a humble heart, always.
Acts 20:26-27 relate how Paul declared he "Clean from the blood of all men" and that He had "Not held back from telling you anything."
I likewise; within the things I have written, shown that if I beheld the need for a warning, I gave it, If I felt the deep need to help you with pleadings, I did it.
If I was holding things from God's Word in my Heart, or things I have experienced in life, I have openly and at the risk of ridicule and embracement, told all things.
Of course there are personal displays of immaturity that I am today ashamed of, these I have held back. They are my own stumbling block, not yours.
My advice for you is to be you. Be honest about your limitations and don't hide behind a false face. Be you. Read my Blog on Clover.
May the things in these blogs be of use in your "Journey" in your quests for life, and in finding our Heavenly Father.
Blog #1 Introduction, General;
is a brief explanation of the information to follow and my intentions.
Blog #2 Who Am I, Who Can You Trust, General;
is a brief explanation about me, my intensions and my hope for you. Also a guide on how to apply truth in your life.
is about the prophetic proof that Jehovah's Witnesses are now fulfilling.
is about the situation as it developed among the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and the changes that OOOOSED their way in.
is a progression of further evidence of the growing threat that emerged since the new century began and the ultimate fulfillment, of the course and sin, of the leadership of the J.W.s organisation.
Cementing themselves as the modern day "Judas" Mt 26:21, "the Man of Lawlessness" and as "Apostate" 2 Thes 2:3-4.
Leading to the revealing of the modern day; "Disgusting thing that causes desolation, standing in a Holy place" Mt 24:15, which these cemented by backed up blasphemy and hortiness.
Blog #6 Congregations Suffer, Mt 24:48-49, J.W. inspired;
Takes a first hand look at the rippling effects of the Apostasy within my congregation, and the spiritual damage within the preaching of "The Good News of God's Kingdom, and teaching tools available to fulfill this God given commision.
Blog #7 Beware the Birdcatcher, Psalm 91:1-3, General;
Looks behind the curtain. Who is pulling the strings that corrupt, even those with good motives?
And what we can do?
Blog #8 Increasing Lawlessness, Mt 24:12, J.W. inspired;
I reminisce about the Faith of the large army that preceded the current generations of J.W.s.
Then we discuss just how Lawless the congregations had become.
is a collection of real accounts of misconduct among Jehovah's Witnesses, by myself and others.
An example of things we should avoid in future. Also; an observation of the realities of inherited traditions and behaviours in our day, which traverses all corners of the globe that must change.
Blog #10 You are Involved in a Vital Issue, Luke 4:8, General;
is a scriptural examination of Job, and the issue of universal sovereignty.
Also; the application of righteousness, so as to help prove Satan a liar. And a look at current attitudes and behaviours to see how we can personally grow to spiritual maturity.
Blog #11 Why Wait Till Now? Pro 22:3, General;
is an honest explanation of my reasons for not speaking out sooner. Along with my some of the reasons for my confidence, as to where we are in the stream of time.
Also my hopes for you.
Blog #12 What Can We Do? The Fight to Beat Depression, And, The Power of Prayer.
1 Thes 5:14, 17, 1 Pet 5:7, General;
is my effort to assist anyone struggling with Depression or anxieties of life.
I discuss techniques I have used, which have helped me. Maybe they can help you, or someone you know? And, the power of Prayer and how it can bring comfort. Also in drawing close to The Living God. How you can pray and be heard by Him.
Blog #13 Relationships; a Hard Hitting Look at Our Actions, Gen 2:24, General;
A sometimes hard look at realities surrounding relationships and our own actions and accountability.
Blog #14 Clover, Ecc 3:11, Ps75:1, General;
is an experiment on Clover leaves. The results were very surprising.
Then we look at some practical, scriptural and real life applications of the results. Recommended for young ones also.
Blog #15 O.P.E.C., Ecc 8:9, General;
is a reproduction of a former piece; written regarding the damage that the world leaders and companies are doing. And God's thoughts regarding such behaviours.
Blog # 16 Qur'an, It's Great Value, Luke 3:8, Zep 3:9, General;
is a look at the path foreword for Islam and all faiths.
Blog #17 Everlasting Life, in Paradise? Luke 23:43, J.W. inspired;
is a a discussion about life in paradise and what to expect. Also reproduction of an old Watchtower magazine.
Blog #18 You are Vital to God and Man's Future, If You Choose To Be! Pro 27:11, General:
is a very brief encouragement for those struggling to search and hold on.
Blog #19 End Game, 1 Pet 4:17, General;
is a look at Armageddon. Based partly on the publication Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy. And the road and trials we should expect afterwards, on into life.
Blog #20 The Great Tribulation? Mt 24:21 & Mark 13:19 & Joel 2:3, General;
We examine the scriptures surrounding "The Great Tribulation" and try to identify exactly what this is.
Blog #21 Letter to Shaun, Rev 12:12, General;
is a breakdown of the prophetic realities that have already taken place in our time period and the few to follow.
Blog #22 Songs, Ps 98:1, General;
is an expression of my love for the Songs of praise that help me through my days, and a look back at some joyful times. Followed by a handful of songs from my song book that have a special place in my heart.
Blog #23 Climate Change! All Things were Foretold in God's Word, Rev 11:18, General;
is a mini directory to Blogs that touch on the Climate disaster we are in.
Blog #24 Prophecy, 2 Pet 1:20-21, General;
is an indepth look at prophecies and scriptural truths. Also personal applications of tested faith.
Blog #25 This Means Everlasting Life! Ro 5:8; "While We Were Yet Sinners, Christ Died For Us". General;
is an in depth study, in which the reader is encouraged to search the scriptures to get his or her own foot in the water. To dig deep and reason out things of benefit in their own search for answers and in finding The Living God.
Blog #26 Life/Soul/Hell & Gehenna, Mt 7:24, General;
is a scriptural examination of Death, Hell, Sheol, Hades and Gehenna Etc, also the depth of God's Knowledge of each one of us, personally.
Blog #27 The Day of Jehovah, When? Finally an Answer to Daniel 12:11-12, General;
is a look at Daniel 12;11,12 and this crucial prophecy time has seen fulfilled.
Blog #28 Knowledge, a Danger? 1 Cor 3:18-19, General;
is an encouragement to take a personal examination of how your heart is motivating you.
And how to imitate The Good.
Blog #29 Jehovah! The Divine Name, Ps 83:18, General;
is an in depth look at The Divine name of God The Almighty. How he views the use of it and how we should view and use it.
Blog #30 Are You Looking at Your Children With Hope? Pro 22:6, Col 3:21, General;
is a look at Bible principles and examples of raising children with hope of success.
Blog #31 Faith, Based on What? Gal 3:6, Heb 11:1, General;
is a look at things that drew me, even from childhood to have the faith I have today.
Blog #32 Oholibah Ez 23:1-49, Jo 4:24, Jehovah's Witness inspired;
Is a look at Ezekiel's prophecy, especially how it relates to the unfaithfulness of Jehovah's Witnesses in our day.
Blog #33 What Do The Scriptures Say About John 8:32; "The Truth Will Set You Free", General;
is a section revealing Bible truths, without being bogged down with scriptural texts. Answering many needed questions for all.
Blog #34 Where Too, For Jehovah's Witnesses? Isaiah 43:10,11, J.W.s inspired;
is a frank recounting of her sins and actions and my recommendations for reconciliation.
Blog #35 Apocalypse or a Revelation? Rev 1:1, General & J.W.s inspired;
is a positive look at the Book of Revelations or Apocalypse with a result of blessings or happiness for the reader. Included is a P.D.F. of the book Revelations It's Grand Climax, published by The Watchtower Society.
Blog #36 Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand! Rev 22:17, General;
is an invitation and the P.D.F. of the Revelation It's Grand Climax publication. This book is a verse by verse explanation of the Book of revelation.
Blog #37 No Flesh Would Survive? Mt 24:22, General;
is a look at the words of Jesus, recorded by Matthew surrounding "No Flesh would survive unless those days were cut short". And how Bible example's and God's oaths should buoy us up, into the future.
Blog #38 The Best Day of The Year! Lu 22:19, "Keep Doing This in Remembrance of Me", General;
is an appreciative look at forgiveness of sin. And the ones who deserve our love to time indefinite for such a gift. Also, Bonus study information you may find useful.
Blog # 39 My Health is Deteriorating, General:
A bit of an explanation, surrounding my personal struggles in producing these Blogs, and the reasons why You may find me repeating things etc.
Blog #40 The Ghost Gum, Encounters and my Prayer, Mt 5:3, General;
is an account of 2 dreams I had that seem to be significant. Followed by some real life encounters with different peoples throughout my days and the observations of these behaviours.
Blog #41 Baptism, Dedication and You! Mt 28:19, General;
is a scriptural consideration of the vital steps of baptism and dedication to God and Jesus and how this should affect your life.
Blog #42 Purpose, Isaiah 64:8, General;
is a look at the greatest act of love for me and all. And how, like a dance, God has provided all things well.
Blog #43 Why Armageddon Must Come! Rev 16:16, General;
Armageddon is unstoppable, why we need it. Also a few personal admissions.
Blog # 44 To The Reader, General;
A basic directory of the language and tools that have inspired my discussions as a help to understand my though process.
Blog #45 Times Hard to Deal With, 2 Tim 3:1, General;
is a look at the effects on peoples hopes while living in these "Last days of times hard to deal with will be here!", 2 Tim 3;1. And contrasting life that awaits us in paradise.
Blog #46 Prophecy is Clearer as We Move Forwards, Ez38:1-23, Pr 8:28, General;
is a look at Ezekiel 38 and how prophecies are coming together like a mosaic, to God's Glory.
Blog #47 A Letter Written to the Australian Branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, Is 1:28.
J.W.s inspired;
is a letter I wrote to a Branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, just hoping someone with their eyes opened, might receive it.
Blog #48 A Letter Written General is a letter I wrote to the United Nations Climate Council, Ps 62:9. General: A letter putting the U.N., and the World, on notice re their responsibility and lack of action.
Blog #49 2012, A Letter to Those Associated with Jehovah's Witnesses, Past, present, and to The World, John 10:16, General and J.W.s inspired;
is a frank look at what religion is doing to the congregations. and how Jehovah's Witnesses need to look in the mirror.
Blog #50 I Would Like to Talk to You about You! Pr 18:4, General;
is an expression of my desire to help you. To extend the hand of friendship, If not with me personally, then with ones who will have your best interests at heart.
Blog #51 You Have a Light in You, U.F.O.s and Clones in The Bible, Pro 5:1-2, General;
is a look at If YOU GLOW, if Jesus will return in 2033 and the fact that the Bible speaks of a U.F.O. and Clones.
Blog #52 God's Word is Clearer, Ps 97:11, J.W.s. & General;
is a look at how if the things that are written with these blogs give a new perspective on the Gospel accounts and especially the Illustration as they seem to apply to today ever more so.
Blog #53 Long Lost Family, Eph 4:15, General;
is a look at the Great joy and occasional struggles that is found in a reunited family bond.
For those who had been separated by circumstances, and ourselves, as we reconnect with Our Heavenly Father, And God.
Blog #54 End of Days, 2 Tim 3:1, General;
A discussion based on "The End of Day's" and related scriptural texts.
Blog #55 Personal Notes, Ro 7:24, Lu 22:44, General;
Notes and personal observations as they happen.
Blog #56 Time, Time travel and you! A different look at what the scriptures, especially from the lord Jesus surrounding death, and other points of interest.
Blog #57 Israel V God, Deut 31:29, General;
Is a look at Bible texts and evidence that proves that Israel has zero claim to the promised land or that of being God's special peoples.
Blog #58 A Letter to a Dr Martin, Clones, Genetics, Time Travel and the Bible; General;
Is a medical and genetic look at scriptures. Looking for clues as to whether The Law Requirements to Israel, and other information may be useful in treating people. Plus other Bible curiosities.
Blog #59 Our Return to Eden, Joel 2:3, To A Paradise Home, General;
is a look at how much things have to turn around to achieve bringing back Eden like conditions. And our personal responsibilities.
Blog #60 The Good News of The Kingdom of God, and Our Responsibilities, General;
This Blog is surrounding God's Kingdom, the legal God appointed mechanism, that will bring all things back to God. And how we can work with it.
Blog # 61 Does it Fit The Pattern of Healthful Words? J.W.s & General;
is a look at printed material from Jehovah's Witnesses that is full of false teaching and Blasphemies. And how to identify "wolves in sheep's clothing".
Blog # 62 Two sisters, a short story or a vision? General;
is a look at life for two sisters, far into the future from this day, and their lives in that time.
Blog # 63 Strange Clouds & Time Portals, General;
is a photo diary and questions related to peculiar clouds and there possible uses. Also a personal story that is far from normal.
The mash-up! "You must love Jehovah your God, with your whole Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength and keep His Commandments. If you do, you will be wise enough to bypass any trial with ease, and have an indefinitely lasting name with The Living One. Those who fail to take these things to heart, will suffer shame and fall short in a large way, all that is his, will be destroyed and cease to exist.
You who love Him, however, will flourish with joy, under the tent cloths of Jehovah, always." Ecc 12:13, Mark 12:30 and Ps 37:18-20.